Captain And Tennille
My Heart Belongs To You

Whenever you come around
It's clear to see
That you're my friend
You care for me
And when the road is rough
You're always enough
To bring a smile back to my face

Oh you you are so right
The stars in my sky
Without you my life would be incomplete
As long as you're near
It's nothing to fear
Cuz I know you truly care for me

There's nothing that I won't do
I promise you
My heart belongs to you
Call me when you're feeling blue
I will be there it's true
Cuz my heart belongs to you
You you you
You you you

There's nothing else I could say
I want it this way
I need my friends right by my side
Forever and all
You just have to call
And I will come running to you

I swim in oceans wide
Climb a mountain side
Just to get to where you are
Whatever at all
You just have to call
And I will come running to you my friend

There's nothing that I won't do
I promise you
My heart belongs to you
Call me when you're feeling blue
I will be there it's true
Cause my heart belongs to you

Break it down
Everything you need just call in a hurry
I'll be there and fast don't worry
Holding it down for my cool wide world
You know I got your back
While I lay in the cup
For you I'll do about anything
Got your back and you know it's the fact
Call on me when you're feeling down
When you come around I'll put it down

There's nothing that I won't do
I promise you
My heart belongs to you
Call me when you're feeling blue
I will be there it's true
Cause my heart belongs to you

Mirror lyrics:

Cause my heart belongs to you
I will be there it's true
Call me when you're feeling blue
My heart belongs to you
I promise you
There's nothing that I won't do

When you come around I'll put it down
Call on me when you're feeling down
Got your back and you know it's the fact
For you I'll do about anything
While I lay in the cup
You know I got your back
Holding it down for my cool wide world
I'll be there and fast don't worry
Everything you need just call in a hurry
Break it down

Cause my heart belongs to you
I will be there it's true
Call me when you're feeling blue
My heart belongs to you
I promise you
There's nothing that I won't do

And I will come running to you my friend
You just have to call
Whatever at all
Just to get to where you are
Climb a mountain side
I swim in oceans wide

And I will come running to you
You just have to call
Forever and all
I need my friends right by my side
I want it this way
There's nothing else I could say

You you you
You you you
Cuz my heart belongs to you
I will be there it's true
Call me when you're feeling blue
My heart belongs to you
I promise you
There's nothing that I won't do

Cuz I know you truly care for me
It's nothing to fear
As long as you're near
Without you my life would be incomplete
The stars in my sky
Oh you you are so right

To bring a smile back to my face
You're always enough
And when the road is rough
You care for me
That you're my friend
It's clear to see
Whenever you come around

Relevant Tags:
MMy HHeart BBelongs TTo YYou y eart elongs o ou yM eHart eBlongs oT oYu jy jeart velongs fo gou jMy jHeart vBelongs fTo gYou Mjy Hjeart Bvelongs Tfo Ygou
ky ueart gelongs 5o hou kMy uHeart gBelongs 5To hYou Mky Hueart Bgelongs T5o Yhou ny neart nelongs ho 6ou nMy nHeart nBelongs hTo 6You Mny Hneart Bnelongs Tho Y6ou
Myy beart helongs yo uou M bHeart hBelongs yTo uYou My Hbeart Bhelongs Tyo Yuou Mg geart Beelongs 6o 7ou Mgy gHeart Blongs 6To 7You Myg Hgeart Bleongs T6o Y7ou
Mh yeart Bslongs go jou Mhy yHeart Bselongs gTo jYou Myh Hyeart Beslongs Tgo Yjou M6 Heeart B3longs ro tou M6y Hart B3elongs rTo tYou My6 Haert Be3longs Tro Ytou
Mu Hsart Bflongs Too Yoou Muy Hseart Bfelongs T Yu Myu Hesart Beflongs To Yuo M7 H3art Brlongs Tk Yku M7y H3eart Brelongs Tko Ykou My7 He3art Berlongs Tok Yoku
Mj Hfart B4longs T9 Y9u Hfeart B4elongs T9o Y9ou Myj Hefart Be4longs To9 Yo9u Mt Hrart Bdlongs T0 Y0u Mty Hreart Bdelongs T0o Y0ou Myt Herart Bedlongs To0 Yo0u
H4art Bwlongs Tl Ylu H4eart Bwelongs Tlo Ylou He4art Bewlongs Tol Yolu Hdart Bellongs Ti Yiu Hdeart Beongs Tio Yiou Hedart Beolngs Toi Yoiu
Hwart Bekongs Youu Hweart Beklongs Yo Hewart Belkongs You Heaart Beoongs Yoh Hert Beolongs Yohu Herat Beloongs Youh
Hezrt Bepongs Yo7 Hezart Beplongs Yo7u Heazrt Belpongs You7 Heqrt Yok Heqart Belngs Heaqrt Belnogs Youk
Hesrt Belkngs Yoi Heasrt Belokngs Youi Hewrt Bel9ngs Yo8 Bel9ongs Yo8u Heawrt Belo9ngs You8 Hexrt Bel0ngs Yoj

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