Captain Beefheart
The Thousandth And Tenth Day Of The Human Totem Po

The thousandth and tenth day of the human totem pole.
The morning was distemper grey,
Of the thousandth and tenth day of the human totem pole.
The man at the bottom was smiling.
He had just finished his breakfast smiling.
It hadn't rained or manured for over two hours.
The man at the top was starving.
The pole was a horrible looking thing
With all of those eyes and ears
And waving hands for balance.
There was no way to get a copter in close
So everybody was starving together.
The man at the top had long ago given up
But didn't have nerve enough to climb down.
At night the pole would talk to itself and the chatter wasn't too good.
Obviously the pole didn't like itself, it wanted to walk!
It was the summer and it was hot
And balance wouldn't permit skinning to undergarments.
It was an integrated pole, it was taking on an reddish brown cast.
Exercise on the pole was isometric,
Kind of a flex and then balance
Then the highest would roll together,
The ears wiggle, hands balance.
There was a gurgling and googling heard
A tenth of the way up the pole.
Approaching was a small child
With Statue of Liberty doll.

Mirror lyrics:

With Statue of Liberty doll.
Approaching was a small child
A tenth of the way up the pole.
There was a gurgling and googling heard
The ears wiggle, hands balance.
Then the highest would roll together,
Kind of a flex and then balance
Exercise on the pole was isometric,
It was an integrated pole, it was taking on an reddish brown cast.
And balance wouldn't permit skinning to undergarments.
It was the summer and it was hot
Obviously the pole didn't like itself, it wanted to walk!
At night the pole would talk to itself and the chatter wasn't too good.
But didn't have nerve enough to climb down.
The man at the top had long ago given up
So everybody was starving together.
There was no way to get a copter in close
And waving hands for balance.
With all of those eyes and ears
The pole was a horrible looking thing
The man at the top was starving.
It hadn't rained or manured for over two hours.
He had just finished his breakfast smiling.
The man at the bottom was smiling.
Of the thousandth and tenth day of the human totem pole.
The morning was distemper grey,
The thousandth and tenth day of the human totem pole.

Relevant Tags:
TThe TThousandth AAnd TTenth DDay OOf TThe HHuman TTotem PPo he housandth nd enth ay f he uman otem o
hTe hTousandth nAd eTnth aDy fO hTe uHman oTtem oP fhe fhousandth znd fenth xay kf fhe juman fotem 0o
fThe fThousandth zAnd fTenth xDay kOf fThe jHuman fTotem 0Po Tfhe Tfhousandth Aznd Tfenth Dxay Okf Tfhe Hjuman Tfotem P0o
5he 5housandth qnd 5enth eay 9f 5he uuman 5otem lo 5The 5Thousandth qAnd 5Tenth eDay 9Of 5The uHuman 5Totem lPo
T5he T5housandth Aqnd T5enth Deay O9f T5he Huuman T5otem Plo hhe hhousandth snd henth fay 0f hhe numan hotem oo
hThe hThousandth sAnd hTenth fDay 0Of hThe nHuman hTotem oPo Thhe Thhousandth Asnd Thenth Dfay O0f Thhe Hnuman Thotem Poo
yhe yhousandth wnd yenth ray lf yhe buman yotem yThe yThousandth wAnd yTenth rDay lOf yThe bHuman yTotem P
Tyhe Tyhousandth Awnd Tyenth Dray Olf Tyhe Hbuman Tyotem Po 6he 6housandth xnd 6enth cay if 6he guman 6otem Pk
6The 6Thousandth xAnd 6Tenth cDay iOf 6The gHuman 6Totem Pko T6he T6housandth Axnd T6enth Dcay Oif T6he Hguman T6otem Pok
ghe ghousandth Annd genth say Off ghe yuman gotem P9 gThe gThousandth Ad gTenth sDay O gThe yHuman gTotem P9o
Tghe Tghousandth Adn Tgenth Dsay Of Tghe Hyuman Tgotem Po9 rhe rhousandth Amd renth Daay Oc rhe rotem P0
rThe rThousandth Amnd rTenth Dy Ocf rThe Hman rTotem Trhe Trhousandth Anmd Trenth Dya Ofc Trhe Hmuan Trotem Po0
Ahd Teenth Dzy Or Hhman Tootem Pl Te Tousandth Ahnd Tnth Dzay Orf Te Hhuman Ttem
Teh Tohusandth Anhd Tneth Dazy Ofr Teh Huhman Ttoem Pol Tje Tjousandth Ajd Tsnth Dqy Og Tje H7man Tktem Pi
Tjhe Tjhousandth Ajnd Tsenth Dqay Ogf Tjhe H7uman Tkotem Pio Thje Thjousandth Anjd Tesnth Daqy Ofg Thje Hu7man Toktem Poi
Tue Tuousandth Abd T3nth Dsy Ot Tue Hkman T9tem Tuhe Tuhousandth Abnd T3enth Otf Tuhe Hkuman T9otem
Thue Thuousandth Anbd Te3nth Dasy Oft Thue Hukman To9tem Tne Tnousandth Andd Tfnth Dwy Ov Tne Himan T0tem
Tnhe Tnhousandth An Dway Ovf Tnhe Hiuman T0otem Thne Thnousandth And Tefnth Dawy Ofv Thne Huiman To0tem
Tbe Tbousandth Anx Trnth Dxy Od Tbe H8man Tltem Tbhe Tbhousandth Anxd Odf Tbhe H8uman Tlotem
Thbe Thbousandth Andx Ternth Daxy Ofd Thbe Hu8man Toltem Tge Tgousandth Ane T4nth Dayy Tge Hjman Titem
Aned T4enth Da Tiotem Thge Thgousandth Ande Te4nth Day Thge Hujman Toitem
Tye Tyousandth Anf Tdnth Dag Tye Hyman Tottem Anfd Tdenth Dagy Toem
Thye Thyousandth Andf Tednth Dayg Thye Huyman Toetm Thee Thoousandth Anr Twnth Dah Thee Humman Tofem
Th Thusandth Anrd Twenth Dahy Th Huan Toftem The Thuosandth Andr Tewnth Dayh The Huamn Totfem
Ths Thkusandth Anc Tennth Da6 Ths Hujan To5em Thse Thkousandth Ancd Teth Da6y Thse To5tem
Thes Thokusandth Andc Tetnh Day6 Thes Humjan Tot5em Th3 Th9usandth Ans Temth Dau Th3 Hukan Tohem
Th3e Th9ousandth Ansd Temnth Dauy Th3e Tohtem The3 Tho9usandth Ands Tenmth Dayu The3 Humkan Tothem
Thf Th0usandth Tehth Da7 Thf Hunan Toyem Thfe Th0ousandth Tehnth Da7y Thfe Hunman Toytem
Thef Tho0usandth Tenhth Day7 Thef Humnan Totyem Thr Thlusandth Tejth Daj Thr Humaan To6em
Thre Thlousandth Tejnth Dajy Thre Humn To6tem Ther Tholusandth Tenjth Dayj Ther Humna Tot6em

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