
I didn't think you knew me
didn't think that there was a you and I
I was lying on my bed, ‘before'
I never ever told you
I didn't know what to do
I needed to explain, ‘cast all'

And I tried . . . . . I tried to be you
but I tried

When I sit to talk to
To someone else who's just like you
It's always me to worse it, 'for more'

And I tried . . . . I tried to be you ooo ooo
And I tried, yea yea yea I tried

Everyday just seemed a lie, a lie that I betrayed
to us when we torn
and all I know the feelings sure,
sure that I believe in you more
and I let you down, I let you down
the days that I was wrong . . .

But I tried . . . . . I tried to be you . . . .
And I tried ye yea yeah ooo ooo
I tried, tried to be you ooo
I tried, ye yea yeah its True.

Mirror lyrics:

I tried, ye yea yeah its True.
I tried, tried to be you ooo
And I tried ye yea yeah ooo ooo
But I tried . . . . . I tried to be you . . . .

the days that I was wrong . . .
and I let you down, I let you down
sure that I believe in you more
and all I know the feelings sure,
to us when we torn
Everyday just seemed a lie, a lie that I betrayed

And I tried, yea yea yea I tried
And I tried . . . . I tried to be you ooo ooo

It's always me to worse it, 'for more'
To someone else who's just like you
When I sit to talk to

but I tried
And I tried . . . . . I tried to be you

I needed to explain, ‘cast all'
I didn't know what to do
I never ever told you
I was lying on my bed, ‘before'
didn't think that there was a you and I
I didn't think you knew me

Relevant Tags:
TTried ried rTied fried fTried Tfried 5ried 5Tried T5ried hried hTried
Thried yried yTried Tyried 6ried 6Tried T6ried gried gTried Tgried rried
rTried Trried Tied Tired Tdied Tdried Trdied T4ied T4ried Tr4ied Tgied
Trgied Ttied Ttried Trtied T5ied Tr5ied Tfied Trfied Teied Teried Treied
Triied Tred Treid Trjed Trjied Trijed

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