Tahiti Boi

I am a boi
she is a gal
can I make this any more obvious
I was in in luv
she did home tech
what more could be said
I wanted her, she never tell
cause secretly she wanted me as well
and all of her friends, thought they knew best
and they had a problem with the way I dress

She was a Tonga Gal
I was a Tahiti Boi
I wasn't good enough for her
She had a pretty face
and a body to go with that
I wanted to go out with her

Some time from now, she was at home
looking herself in the mirror though
she looked at the TV, and look who she saw
Brettell performing on VH1
she rang up her friend
she already knew
and she had tickets to see my show
they both went there, sat in the crowd
and one looked up at me that she turned down.

She was a Tonga Gal
I was a Tahiti Boi
I wasn't good enough for her
She had a pretty face
and a body to go with that
I wanted to go out with her

Sorry _ _ _ _, but your to late
this songwriter taken now
I have found myself someone
and this is now the song should end
Too bad that you didn't see, see me like you notice me
there is more to me than that
I have someone who respects that

Cause I am a boi, and she is a gal
can I make that anymore obvious
We're having fun, but didn't you know
how its all just thanks to you

She was a Tonga Gal
I was a Tahiti Boi
I wasn't good enough for her
She had a pretty face
and a body to go with that
I wanted to go out with her
She was a Tonga Gal
I was a Tahiti Boi
I wasn't good enough for her
She had a pretty face
and a body to go with that
I wanted to go out with her

Mirror lyrics:

I wanted to go out with her
and a body to go with that
She had a pretty face
I wasn't good enough for her
I was a Tahiti Boi
She was a Tonga Gal
I wanted to go out with her
and a body to go with that
She had a pretty face
I wasn't good enough for her
I was a Tahiti Boi
She was a Tonga Gal

how its all just thanks to you
We're having fun, but didn't you know
can I make that anymore obvious
Cause I am a boi, and she is a gal

I have someone who respects that
there is more to me than that
Too bad that you didn't see, see me like you notice me
and this is now the song should end
I have found myself someone
this songwriter taken now
Sorry _ _ _ _, but your to late

I wanted to go out with her
and a body to go with that
She had a pretty face
I wasn't good enough for her
I was a Tahiti Boi
She was a Tonga Gal

and one looked up at me that she turned down.
they both went there, sat in the crowd
and she had tickets to see my show
she already knew
she rang up her friend
Brettell performing on VH1
she looked at the TV, and look who she saw
looking herself in the mirror though
Some time from now, she was at home

I wanted to go out with her
and a body to go with that
She had a pretty face
I wasn't good enough for her
I was a Tahiti Boi
She was a Tonga Gal

and they had a problem with the way I dress
and all of her friends, thought they knew best
cause secretly she wanted me as well
I wanted her, she never tell
what more could be said
she did home tech
I was in in luv
can I make this any more obvious
she is a gal
I am a boi

Relevant Tags:
TTahiti BBoi ahiti oi aThiti oBi fahiti voi fTahiti vBoi Tfahiti Bvoi 5ahiti goi 5Tahiti gBoi T5ahiti Bgoi hahiti noi hTahiti nBoi
Thahiti Bnoi yahiti hoi yTahiti hBoi Tyahiti Bhoi 6ahiti Booi 6Tahiti Bi T6ahiti Bio gahiti Bki gTahiti Bkoi Tgahiti Boki rahiti B9i
rTahiti B9oi Trahiti Bo9i Taahiti B0i Thiti B0oi Thaiti Bo0i Tzhiti Bli Tzahiti Bloi Tazhiti Boli Tqhiti Bii Tqahiti Bioi Taqhiti Boii
Tshiti Tsahiti Bo Tashiti Boi Twhiti Boj Twahiti Boji Tawhiti Boij Txhiti Bo9 Txahiti Taxhiti Boi9 Tahhiti Bol Taiti
Taihti Boil Tajiti Boo Tajhiti Tahjiti Boio Tauiti Bok Tauhiti Tahuiti Boik Taniti Bo8 Tanhiti Bo8i Tahniti Boi8 Tabiti Bou
Tabhiti Boui Tahbiti Boiu Tagiti Taghiti Tahgiti Tayiti Tayhiti Tahyiti Tahiiti Tahti Tahtii

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