Save The Future

Things got weird
Like a thing they cant explain
Like a vision of something strange
A note that brings you fear

Do you even love me a lot
Inside I feel like I rot
Setting sail far away in a yacht

Save the future
Save my future

Things went weird
You even almost grew a beard
Starting getting visions pf Britney Spears
And im shaking at the knees

Did you even fancy me
You hardly showed affection to me
Why got trouble to see
That you seem not to be in love with me

Save the future
Save my future

Save the future
Save my future

Mirror lyrics:

Save my future
Save the future

Save my future
Save the future

That you seem not to be in love with me
Why got trouble to see
You hardly showed affection to me
Did you even fancy me

And im shaking at the knees
Starting getting visions pf Britney Spears
You even almost grew a beard
Things went weird

Save my future
Save the future

Setting sail far away in a yacht
Inside I feel like I rot
Do you even love me a lot

A note that brings you fear
Like a vision of something strange
Like a thing they cant explain
Things got weird

Relevant Tags:
SSave TThe FFuture ave he uture aSve hTe uFture zave fhe cuture zSave fThe cFuture Szave Tfhe Fcuture wave 5he ruture
wSave 5The rFuture Swave T5he Fruture dave hhe guture dSave hThe gFuture Sdave Thhe Fguture eave yhe tuture eSave yThe tFuture
Seave Tyhe Ftuture xave 6he vuture xSave 6The vFuture Sxave T6he Fvuture aave ghe duture aSave gThe dFuture Saave Tghe Fduture
rhe Fuuture Sve rThe Fture Svae Trhe Ftuure Szve Fhture Te Fhuture Sazve Teh Fuhture Sqve Tje F7ture
Sqave Tjhe F7uture Saqve Thje Fu7ture Ssve Tue Fkture Ssave Tuhe Fkuture Sasve Thue Fukture Swve Tne Fiture Tnhe Fiuture
Sawve Thne Fuiture Sxve Tbe F8ture Tbhe F8uture Saxve Thbe Fu8ture Savve Tge Fjture Sae Fjuture Saev Thge Fujture
Sabe Tye Fyture Sabve Fyuture Savbe Thye Fuyture Sace Thee Futture Sacve Th Fuure Savce The Fuutre Sage Ths Fufure
Sagve Thse Fufture Savge Thes Futfure Safe Th3 Fu5ure Safve Th3e Fu5ture Savfe The3 Fut5ure Savee Thf Fuhure Sav Thfe
Save Thef Futhure Savs Thr Fuyure Savse Thre Saves Ther Futyure Sav3 Th4 Fu6ure Sav3e Th4e Fu6ture Save3 The4 Fut6ure
Savf Thd Fugure Thde Fugture Savef Thed Futgure

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