I Want To Learn A Thing (part2)

we try to be one time
every Friday afternoon.
jus before we Derek,
having Lee giving the answers.
we always dread the time.
we have Robin on Mondays,
sitting at the back of class, waiting.
once the lesson starts to beigin, we can't stop laughing.

we're starting to laugh so much,
we're starting to cry so to much
in Robin Stone's lesson
can't belive this is Marketing.
and then when he tries to teach,
we don't really want to listen
cause we seem to be laughin to much.

its been two months now
and Robin is still drinkin.
drinking loads of pints of Bitter,
and taking some Vodka shots.
‘and when he comes to class,
he can barely walk straight'
he has become so drunk that he cannot teach the class, forever and ever and...

...once again he came to class
even drunker than once before
this is Marketing
and we're having so much fun.
and even when we tried to learn
Robin Stone was at the pub, drinkin loads of booze
so we would have a fun lesson.

we like to miss Mondays lesson,
but Fridays we don't.
‘Moday mornin' are so borin, whilst Fridays are not.'
we have exame's so soon,
it doesn't look to good for us.
we don't really care, as long as Robin drinks. yea yea yea yea.

Mirror lyrics:

we don't really care, as long as Robin drinks. yea yea yea yea.
it doesn't look to good for us.
we have exame's so soon,
‘Moday mornin' are so borin, whilst Fridays are not.'
but Fridays we don't.
we like to miss Mondays lesson,

so we would have a fun lesson.
Robin Stone was at the pub, drinkin loads of booze
and even when we tried to learn
and we're having so much fun.
this is Marketing
even drunker than once before
...once again he came to class

he has become so drunk that he cannot teach the class, forever and ever and...
he can barely walk straight'
‘and when he comes to class,
and taking some Vodka shots.
drinking loads of pints of Bitter,
and Robin is still drinkin.
its been two months now

cause we seem to be laughin to much.
we don't really want to listen
and then when he tries to teach,
can't belive this is Marketing.
in Robin Stone's lesson
we're starting to cry so to much
we're starting to laugh so much,

once the lesson starts to beigin, we can't stop laughing.
sitting at the back of class, waiting.
we have Robin on Mondays,
we always dread the time.
having Lee giving the answers.
jus before we Derek,
every Friday afternoon.
we try to be one time

Relevant Tags:
II WWant TTo LLearn AA TThing ((part2) ant o earn hing part2) I aWnt oT eLarn A hTing p(art2) j aant fo kearn z fhing (ppart2) jI aWant fTo kLearn zA fThing (art2)
Ij Waant Tfo Lkearn Az Tfhing (aprt2) 9 3ant 5o oearn q 5hing (0art2) 9I 3Want 5To oLearn qA 5Thing (0part2) I9 W3ant T5o Loearn Aq T5hing (p0art2) l dant ho pearn s hhing (lart2)
lI dWant hTo pLearn sA hThing (lpart2) Il Wdant Tho Lpearn As Thhing (plart2) o eant yo Leearn w yhing (oart2) oI eWant yTo Larn wA yThing (opart2) Io Weant Tyo Laern Aw Tyhing (poart2)
k sant 6o Lsarn x 6hing (paart2) kI sWant 6To Lsearn xA 6Thing (prt2) Ik Wsant T6o Lesarn Ax T6hing (prat2) 8 2ant go L3arn ghing (pzrt2) 8I 2Want gTo L3earn gThing (pzart2)
I8 W2ant Tgo Le3arn Tghing (pazrt2) u qant ro Lfarn rhing (pqrt2) uI qWant rTo Lfearn rThing (pqart2) Iu Wqant Tro Lefarn Trhing (paqrt2) Too Lrarn (psrt2)
Wnt T Lrearn Ting (psart2) Wnat To Lerarn Tihng (pasrt2) Wznt Tk L4arn Tjing (pwrt2) Wzant Tko L4earn Tjhing (pwart2) Waznt Tok Le4arn Thjing (pawrt2)
Wqnt T9 Ldarn Tuing (pxrt2) T9o Ldearn Tuhing (pxart2) Waqnt To9 Ledarn Thuing (paxrt2) Wsnt T0 Lwarn Tning (parrt2) T0o Lwearn Tnhing (pat2)
Wasnt To0 Lewarn Thning (patr2) Wwnt Tl Leaarn Tbing (padt2) Wwant Tlo Lern Tbhing (padrt2) Wawnt Tol Leran Thbing (pardt2) Wxnt Ti Lezrn Tging (pa4t2)
Wxant Tio Lezarn (pa4rt2) Waxnt Toi Leazrn Thging (par4t2) Wannt Leqrn Tying (pagt2) Wat Leqarn (pagrt2) Watn Leaqrn Thying (pargt2)
Wamt Lesrn Thiing (patt2) Wamnt Thng (patrt2) Wanmt Leasrn Thnig (partt2) Waht Lewrn Thjng (pa5t2)

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