Dios (englsih Version)

look at the time
the time we first met
and everything you said
and this is all for you
you came along
i wrote this song for you
sorry it took so long
and it is called 'dios'

so i took my time
oh what a thing to have done
and its for you dios
your still are known as dios
my name is also dios
together we are known as team dios
you know i wrote this for you

i wrote a song
i wrote a song for you
oh what a thing to do
cause you are dios
its in spanish
so only you will know
what its all about
your still known as dios
together we are team dios
even though, everyone is jelous of us
everyone wants to be jus like us
so for you

its true, i wrote this song for you
sorry it took so long, i wrote it for you,
sorry it took so long,
and we are team dios.

Mirror lyrics:

and we are team dios.
sorry it took so long,
sorry it took so long, i wrote it for you,
its true, i wrote this song for you

so for you
everyone wants to be jus like us
even though, everyone is jelous of us
together we are team dios
your still known as dios
what its all about
so only you will know
its in spanish
cause you are dios
oh what a thing to do
i wrote a song for you
i wrote a song

you know i wrote this for you
together we are known as team dios
my name is also dios
your still are known as dios
and its for you dios
oh what a thing to have done
so i took my time

and it is called 'dios'
sorry it took so long
i wrote this song for you
you came along
and this is all for you
and everything you said
the time we first met
look at the time

Relevant Tags:
DDios ((englsih VVersion) ios englsih ersion) iDos e(nglsih eVrsion) xios (eenglsih bersion) xDios (nglsih bVersion) Dxios (neglsih Vbersion)
eios (snglsih cersion) eDios (senglsih cVersion) Deios (esnglsih Vcersion) fios (3nglsih gersion) fDios (3englsih gVersion) Dfios (e3nglsih Vgersion)
rios (fnglsih fersion) rDios (fenglsih fVersion) Drios (efnglsih Vfersion) cios (rnglsih Veersion) cDios (renglsih Vrsion) Dcios (ernglsih Vresion)
sios (4nglsih Vsrsion) sDios (4englsih Vsersion) Dsios (e4nglsih Vesrsion) Diios (dnglsih V3rsion) Dos (denglsih V3ersion) Dois (ednglsih Ve3rsion)
Djos (wnglsih Vfrsion) Djios (wenglsih Dijos (ewnglsih Vefrsion) D9os (ennglsih Vrrsion) D9ios (eglsih Vrersion) Di9os (egnlsih Verrsion)
Dlos (emglsih V4rsion) Dlios (emnglsih V4ersion) Dilos (enmglsih Ve4rsion) Doos (ehglsih Vdrsion) Doios (ehnglsih Vdersion) Dioos (enhglsih Vedrsion)
Dkos (ejglsih Vwrsion) Dkios (ejnglsih Vwersion) Dikos (enjglsih Vewrsion) D8os (ebglsih D8ios (ebnglsih Vesion) Di8os (enbglsih Vesrion)
Duos (engglsih Vedsion) Duios (enlsih Diuos (enlgsih Verdsion) (enhlsih Ve4sion) Dis Diso (enghlsih Ver4sion)
Diks (enylsih Vegsion) (enyglsih Vegrsion) Dioks (engylsih Vergsion) Di9s (enblsih Vetsion) Vetrsion) Dio9s (engblsih Vertsion)
Di0s (envlsih Ve5sion) Di0os (envglsih Ve5rsion) Dio0s (engvlsih Ver5sion) Dils (enflsih Vefsion) (enfglsih Diols (engflsih Verfsion)
Diis (entlsih Veesion) (entglsih Diois (engtlsih Veresion) Dioss (engllsih Verssion) Dio (engsih Verion) Dios (engslih Verison)
Dioz (engksih Verzion) Diozs (engklsih Verzsion) Diosz (englksih Verszion)

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