Deal With It

I thought I was wrong
And you were right
I was willing to sacrifice
But then realised
I was the one who was in the right
I am a man
And not a boy
There are just something's
I have to deal with and face with
That's the way
This is the way its going
Sometimes I need to chill
I'm not taking the wrong pills
You're the one with the crazy thoughts
Which were taught to you by who?
Is it someone I knew?

Mirror lyrics:

Is it someone I knew?
Which were taught to you by who?
You're the one with the crazy thoughts
I'm not taking the wrong pills
Sometimes I need to chill
This is the way its going
That's the way
I have to deal with and face with
There are just something's
And not a boy
I am a man
I was the one who was in the right
But then realised
I was willing to sacrifice
And you were right
I thought I was wrong

Relevant Tags:
DDeal WWith IIt eal ith t eDal iWth tI xeal aith jt xDeal aWith jIt Dxeal Waith Ijt eeal 3ith 9t eDeal 3With 9It Deeal W3ith I9t
feal dith lt fDeal dWith lIt Dfeal Wdith Ilt real eith ot rDeal eWith oIt Dreal Weith Iot ceal sith kt cDeal sWith kIt Dceal Wsith Ikt
seal 2ith 8t sDeal 2With 8It Dseal W2ith I8t qith ut Dal qWith uIt Dael Wqith Iut Dsal Wiith Itt Wth I Desal Wtih It
D3al Wjth If D3eal Wjith Ift De3al Wijth Itf Dfal W9th I5 W9ith I5t Defal Wi9th It5 Dral Wlth Ih Wlith Iht Deral Wilth Ith
D4al Woth Iy D4eal Woith Iyt De4al Wioth Ity Ddal Wkth I6 Ddeal Wkith I6t Dedal Wikth It6 Dwal W8th Ig Dweal W8ith Igt Dewal Wi8th Itg

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