Brett Dennen
So Long Sweet Misery

So long my misery
I don't need you, you've only caused me grief
Forgive me if I fall asleep
I haven't slept in centuries

Daylight lives like a burden for me
So I escape the sennit strewn about the street
Beyond the ruins of my ancestry
Far past the pages of my disbelief
I rose from my moat, like a ghost from a grave
Sunken in the salty eyes of the wanderin' displaced
I was headed through the mists across the golden gate
All of my rebellions fall into the fog of fate

So long my misery
I don't need you, you've only caused me grief
Forgive me if I fall asleep
I haven't slept in centuries

Springtime came again and Icarus fell
I flew past the numb-lipped nuns who never tell
The secrets of the sailors and their seven year spell
I will not fall nor will my wings ever melt
If I could I would wash all these wounds away
I would surround your room with sentiments of grace
I would paint your portrait over everything mundane
More colorful than Easter Sunday

So long my misery.
I don't need you, you've only caused me grief
Forgive me if I fall asleep
I haven't slept in centuries

Put me on a boat, leave my inhibitions at bay
My mind is spilling but I haven't much to say
I was running through the canyons towards the echoes of your name
You were laughing at me like sun laughs at a flame
Put me on a page in a book of beginnings
Let me scroll through old volumes of ancient teachings
Let me revel in all of these forgotten feelings
Lay me with the wretched in the arms of my queen

So long sweet misery
I don't need you, you've only caused me grief
Forgive me if I fall asleep
I haven't slept in centuries

So long sweet misery
I don't need you, you've only caused me grief
Forgive me if I fall asleep
I haven't slept in centuries.
No, I haven't slept in centuries.
I haven't slept in centuries

Mirror lyrics:

I haven't slept in centuries
No, I haven't slept in centuries.
I haven't slept in centuries.
Forgive me if I fall asleep
I don't need you, you've only caused me grief
So long sweet misery

I haven't slept in centuries
Forgive me if I fall asleep
I don't need you, you've only caused me grief
So long sweet misery

Lay me with the wretched in the arms of my queen
Let me revel in all of these forgotten feelings
Let me scroll through old volumes of ancient teachings
Put me on a page in a book of beginnings
You were laughing at me like sun laughs at a flame
I was running through the canyons towards the echoes of your name
My mind is spilling but I haven't much to say
Put me on a boat, leave my inhibitions at bay

I haven't slept in centuries
Forgive me if I fall asleep
I don't need you, you've only caused me grief
So long my misery.

More colorful than Easter Sunday
I would paint your portrait over everything mundane
I would surround your room with sentiments of grace
If I could I would wash all these wounds away
I will not fall nor will my wings ever melt
The secrets of the sailors and their seven year spell
I flew past the numb-lipped nuns who never tell
Springtime came again and Icarus fell

I haven't slept in centuries
Forgive me if I fall asleep
I don't need you, you've only caused me grief
So long my misery

All of my rebellions fall into the fog of fate
I was headed through the mists across the golden gate
Sunken in the salty eyes of the wanderin' displaced
I rose from my moat, like a ghost from a grave
Far past the pages of my disbelief
Beyond the ruins of my ancestry
So I escape the sennit strewn about the street
Daylight lives like a burden for me

I haven't slept in centuries
Forgive me if I fall asleep
I don't need you, you've only caused me grief
So long my misery

Relevant Tags:
SSo LLong SSweet MMisery o ong weet isery oS oLng wSeet iMsery zo kong zweet jisery zSo kLong zSweet jMisery Szo Lkong Szweet Mjisery
wo oong wweet kisery wSo oLong wSweet kMisery Swo Loong Swweet Mkisery do pong dweet nisery dSo pLong dSweet nMisery Sdo Lpong Sdweet Mnisery
eo eweet Miisery eSo Lng eSweet Msery Seo Lnog Seweet Msiery xo Lkng xweet Mjsery xSo xSweet Sxo Lokng Sxweet Mijsery
ao L9ng aweet M9sery aSo L9ong aSweet M9isery Sao Lo9ng Saweet Mi9sery Soo L0ng Mlsery S L0ong Seet Mlisery So Lo0ng Sewet Milsery
Sk Llng Saeet Mosery Sko Llong Moisery Sok Lolng Swaeet Miosery S9 Ling S3eet Mksery S9o Liong S3weet So9 Loing Sw3eet Miksery
S0 Lonng Sdeet M8sery S0o Log M8isery So0 Logn Swdeet Mi8sery Sl Lomg Seeet Musery Slo Lomng Muisery Sol Lonmg Sweeet Miusery
Si Lohg Sseet Missery Sio Lohng Ssweet Miery Soi Lonhg Swseet Miesry Lojg S2eet Mizery Lojng S2weet Mizsery Lonjg Sw2eet Miszery
Lobg Sqeet Miwery Lobng Sqweet Miwsery Lonbg Swqeet Miswery Longg Midery Lon Swet Midsery Long Sweet Misdery
Lonh Swset Mieery Miesery Longh Sweset Miseery Lony Sw3et Mixery Lonyg Mixsery Longy Swe3et Misxery
Lonb Swfet Miaery Swfeet Miasery Longb Swefet Misaery Lonv Swret

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