Brenton Wood
Take A Chance

Why won't you
take a chance on me
and let me show you
how wonderful true love can really be
I can love you for all eternity
take a chance on me

I know you
have been hurt so many times before
but let me show you
the kind of love that you been searching for
please believe me
I couldn't love you more
take a chance on me

I love you
oh yes, I doooo
so why wont you
take a chance and love me too

if we try
and i promise I won't let you down
I'll be there anytime you chance to look around
and will follow you no matter where your bound
take a chance on me

oh darling
take a chance
darling take a chance
take a chance darling

Mirror lyrics:

take a chance darling
darling take a chance
take a chance
oh darling

take a chance on me
and will follow you no matter where your bound
I'll be there anytime you chance to look around
and i promise I won't let you down
if we try

take a chance and love me too
so why wont you
oh yes, I doooo
I love you

take a chance on me
I couldn't love you more
please believe me
the kind of love that you been searching for
but let me show you
have been hurt so many times before
I know you

take a chance on me
I can love you for all eternity
how wonderful true love can really be
and let me show you
take a chance on me
Why won't you

Relevant Tags:
TTake AA CChance ake hance aTke A hCance fake z fhance fTake zA fChance Tfake Az Cfhance 5ake q xhance 5Take qA xChance T5ake Aq Cxhance
hake s vhance hTake sA vChance Thake As Cvhance yake w dhance yTake wA dChance Tyake Aw Cdhance 6ake x Chhance 6Take xA Cance T6ake Ax Cahnce
gake Cjance gTake Cjhance Tgake Chjance rake Cuance rTake Cuhance Trake Chuance Taake Cnance Tke Cnhance Tkae Chnance
Tzke Cbance Tzake Cbhance Tazke Chbance Tqke Cgance Tqake Cghance Taqke Chgance Tske Cyance Tsake Cyhance Taske Chyance
Twke Chaance Twake Chnce Tawke Chnace Txke Chznce Txake Chzance Taxke Chaznce Takke Chqnce Tae Chqance Taek Chaqnce
Tale Chsnce Talke Chsance Takle Chasnce Taoe Chwnce Taoke Chwance Takoe Chawnce Tame Chxnce Tamke Chxance

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