Brenton Wood
Catch You On The Rebound

You been gone now almost a year and ask me to forget and forgive
later baby

catch you on the rebound

You didn't even write me or drop me a postcard
now you want to come back and make a new start
later baby

catch you on the rebound

ooh you were the first love that i ever had
but you been gone so long now i dont feel so bad
later baby

catch you on the rebound

I was hoping and praying
that I see the day when I could tell you to your face
later baby

catch you on the rebound

Mirror lyrics:

catch you on the rebound

later baby
that I see the day when I could tell you to your face
I was hoping and praying

catch you on the rebound

later baby
but you been gone so long now i dont feel so bad
ooh you were the first love that i ever had

catch you on the rebound

later baby
now you want to come back and make a new start
You didn't even write me or drop me a postcard

catch you on the rebound

later baby
You been gone now almost a year and ask me to forget and forgive

Relevant Tags:
CCatch YYou OOn TThe RRebound atch ou n he ebound aCtch oYu nO hTe eRbound fatch gou kn fhe debound fCatch gYou kOn fThe dRebound Cfatch Ygou Okn Tfhe Rdebound
xatch hou 9n 5he 4ebound xCatch hYou 9On 5The 4Rebound Cxatch Yhou O9n T5he R4ebound vatch 6ou 0n hhe gebound vCatch 6You 0On hThe gRebound Cvatch Y6ou O0n Thhe Rgebound
datch uou ln yhe tebound dCatch uYou lOn yThe tRebound Cdatch Yuou Oln Tyhe Rtebound Caatch 7ou in 6he 5ebound Ctch 7You iOn 6The 5Rebound Ctach Y7ou Oin T6he R5ebound
Cztch jou Onn ghe febound Czatch jYou O gThe fRebound Caztch Yjou On Tghe Rfebound Cqtch tou Om rhe eebound Cqatch tYou Omn rThe eRebound Caqtch Ytou Onm Trhe Reebound
Cstch Yoou Oh Csatch Yu Ohn Te Rbound Castch Yuo Onh Teh Rbeound Cwtch Yku Oj Tje Rsbound Cwatch Ykou Ojn Tjhe Rsebound Cawtch Yoku Onj Thje Resbound
Cxtch Y9u Ob Tue R3bound Y9ou Obn Tuhe R3ebound Caxtch Yo9u Onb Thue Re3bound Cattch Y0u Tne Rfbound Cach Y0ou Tnhe Cacth Yo0u Thne Refbound
Cafch Ylu Tbe Rrbound Caftch Ylou Tbhe Rrebound Catfch Yolu Thbe Rerbound Ca5ch Yiu Tge R4bound Ca5tch Yiou Cat5ch Yoiu Thge Re4bound
Cahch Youu Tye Rdbound Cahtch Yo Cathch You Thye Redbound Caych Yoh Thee Rwbound Caytch Yohu Th Rwebound Catych Youh The Rewbound
Ca6ch Yo7 Ths Rebbound Ca6tch Yo7u Thse Reound Cat6ch You7 Thes Reobund Cagch Yok Th3 Revound Cagtch Th3e Revbound Catgch Youk The3 Rebvound
Carch Yoi Thf Regound Cartch Thfe Regbound Catrch Youi Thef Rebgound Catcch Yo8 Thr Renound Cath Yo8u Thre Renbound Cathc You8 Ther Rebnound
Catfh Yoj Th4 Rehound Yoju Th4e Rehbound Catcfh Youj The4 Rebhound Catxh Yoy Thd Reboound Catxch Yoyu Thde Rebund Catcxh Youy Thed Rebuond
Catvh Thw Rebkund

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