Blink 182

I talk to you every now and then
I never felt so alone again
I stop to think at a wishing well
My thoughts send me on a carousel
Here I am standing on my own
Not a motion from the telephone
I know not a reason why
Solitudes a reason to die

Just you wait and see
As school life is a
It is a woken dream
Aren't you feeling alone?
I guess its just another
I guess its just another night alone

Now as I walk down the street
I need a job just to sleep in sheets
Buying food every once in a while
But not enough to purchase a smile
A tank of gas is a treasure to me
I know now that nothing is free
I talk to you every now and then
I never felt so alone again

Just you wait and see
As school life is a
It is a woken dream
Aren't you feeling alone?
I guess it's just another
I guess it's just another
I guess it's just another night alone

Mirror lyrics:

I guess it's just another night alone
I guess it's just another
I guess it's just another
Aren't you feeling alone?
It is a woken dream
As school life is a
Just you wait and see

I never felt so alone again
I talk to you every now and then
I know now that nothing is free
A tank of gas is a treasure to me
But not enough to purchase a smile
Buying food every once in a while
I need a job just to sleep in sheets
Now as I walk down the street

I guess its just another night alone
I guess its just another
Aren't you feeling alone?
It is a woken dream
As school life is a
Just you wait and see

Solitudes a reason to die
I know not a reason why
Not a motion from the telephone
Here I am standing on my own
My thoughts send me on a carousel
I stop to think at a wishing well
I never felt so alone again
I talk to you every now and then

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