Black Flag
Nothing Left Inside

Nothing left inside
Nothing left inside
Pain in my heart
Pain hurts my heart
Nothing left inside
Lies Your lies
Nothing left inside
I built it up I broke it down
Nothing left inside
Drained me dry
Nothing left inside
Lonely, lonely, lonely Lonely, lonely boy
Nothing left inside I want to see you
I want to see you
I want you to see my eyes
Nothing left inside
Nothing left inside.

Mirror lyrics:

Nothing left inside.
Nothing left inside
I want you to see my eyes
I want to see you
Nothing left inside I want to see you
Lonely, lonely, lonely Lonely, lonely boy
Nothing left inside
Drained me dry
Nothing left inside
I built it up I broke it down
Nothing left inside
Lies Your lies
Nothing left inside
Pain hurts my heart
Pain in my heart
Nothing left inside
Nothing left inside

Relevant Tags:
NNothing LLeft IInside othing eft nside oNthing eLft nIside mothing keft jnside mNothing kLeft jInside Nmothing Lkeft Ijnside
hothing oeft 9nside hNothing oLeft 9Inside Nhothing Loeft I9nside jothing peft lnside jNothing pLeft lInside Njothing Lpeft Ilnside
bothing Leeft onside bNothing Lft oInside Nbothing Lfet Ionside Noothing Lsft knside Nthing Lseft kInside Ntohing Lesft Iknside
Nkthing L3ft 8nside Nkothing L3eft 8Inside Nokthing Le3ft I8nside N9thing Lfft unside N9othing Lfeft uInside No9thing Lefft Iunside
N0thing Lrft Innside N0othing Lreft Iside No0thing Lerft Isnide Nlthing L4ft Imside Nlothing L4eft Imnside Nolthing Le4ft Inmside
Nithing Ldft Ihside Niothing Ldeft Ihnside Noithing Ledft Inhside Notthing Lwft Ijside Nohing Lweft Nohting Lewft Injside
Nofhing Ibside Nofthing Let Ibnside Notfhing Letf Inbside No5hing Lect Insside No5thing Lecft Inide Not5hing Lefct Inisde
Nohhing Lert Inzide Nohthing Inzside Nothhing Lefrt Inszide Noyhing Legt Inwide Noything Legft Inwside Notyhing Lefgt Inswide
No6hing Lett Indide No6thing Letft Indside Not6hing Leftt Insdide Noghing Levt Ineide Nogthing Levft Ineside Notghing Lefvt Inseide
Norhing Ledt Inxide Northing Inxside Notrhing Lefdt Insxide Inaide Noting Lef Inaside Notihng Left Insaide
Notjing Leff Insiide Notjhing Insde Nothjing Leftf Insdie Notuing Lef5 Insjde Notuhing Lef5t Insjide

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