Black Crowes
Twice As Hard

Clean as a whistle
Smellin' like a rose
She got no dirty little fingers
Bloodshot eyes are gone

Tell me I"m wrong

Twice as Hard
As it was the first time
I said goodbye

And no one ever wanna' know
Love ain't funny
A crime in the wink of an eye

Your sister always singing
She play the step child
A broken little memory
Her heart was never kind

Tell me I'm blind

(Repeat Chorus)

Yeah, bloodshot eyes are gone
Tell me I'm wrong

(Repeat Chorus 5 times)

Mirror lyrics:

(Repeat Chorus 5 times)

Tell me I'm wrong
Yeah, bloodshot eyes are gone

(Repeat Chorus)

Tell me I'm blind

Her heart was never kind
A broken little memory
She play the step child
Your sister always singing

A crime in the wink of an eye
Love ain't funny
And no one ever wanna' know

I said goodbye
As it was the first time
Twice as Hard

Tell me I"m wrong

Bloodshot eyes are gone
She got no dirty little fingers
Smellin' like a rose
Clean as a whistle

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TTwice AAs HHard wice s ard wTice sA aHrd fwice zs jard fTwice zAs jHard Tfwice Azs Hjard 5wice qs uard 5Twice qAs uHard T5wice Aqs Huard
hwice ss nard hTwice sAs nHard Thwice Ass Hnard ywice ws bard yTwice wAs bHard Tywice Aws Hbard 6wice xs gard 6Twice xAs gHard T6wice Axs Hgard
gwice yard gTwice A yHard Tgwice As Hyard rwice Az Haard rTwice Hrd Trwice Asz Hrad Twwice Aw Hzrd Tice Hzard Tiwce Asw Hazrd
Taice Ad Hqrd Tawice Ads Hqard Twaice Asd Haqrd T3ice Ae Hsrd T3wice Aes Hsard Tw3ice Ase Hasrd Tdice Ax Hwrd Tdwice Hward Twdice Asx Hawrd
Teice Aa Hxrd Tewice Aas Hxard Tweice Asa Haxrd Tsice Harrd Tswice Had Twsice Hadr T2ice Hadd T2wice Hadrd Tw2ice Hardd
Tqice Ha4d Tqwice Ha4rd Twqice Har4d Twiice Hagd Twce Hagrd Twcie Hargd Twjce Hatd Twjice Hatrd Twijce Hartd
Tw9ce Ha5d

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