Blue Cheer
Good Times Are So Hard To Find

(Norman Mayall & Kent Housman)
Some people talk about the blues
They're just handing you their news
It's the call of our love
But no matter how we try
We just try to get high
Cause the good times are so hard to find.

Have you got the time to share
Have you taken proper care
Of your body, anybody?
No one seems to see the signs
They reject them every time
Cause the good times are so hard to find.

Good times are so hard to find!
Good times are so hard to find!
Good times.

When I think of fun I think of you
Find out I can make it new
The light, just one night
Getting' on which is hers
Getting' harder everyday
Cause good times are so hard to find.

Some people talk about the blues
They're just handing you their news
It's the call of our love
But no matter how we try
We just try to get high
Cause the good times are so hard to find.

Good times are so hard to find!
Good times are so hard to find!
Good times are so hard to find!
Good times are so hard to find!

Mirror lyrics:

Good times are so hard to find!
Good times are so hard to find!
Good times are so hard to find!
Good times are so hard to find!

Cause the good times are so hard to find.
We just try to get high
But no matter how we try
It's the call of our love
They're just handing you their news
Some people talk about the blues

Cause good times are so hard to find.
Getting' harder everyday
Getting' on which is hers
The light, just one night
Find out I can make it new
When I think of fun I think of you

Good times.
Good times are so hard to find!
Good times are so hard to find!

Cause the good times are so hard to find.
They reject them every time
No one seems to see the signs
Of your body, anybody?
Have you taken proper care
Have you got the time to share

Cause the good times are so hard to find.
We just try to get high
But no matter how we try
It's the call of our love
They're just handing you their news
Some people talk about the blues
(Norman Mayall & Kent Housman)

Relevant Tags:
GGood TTimes AAre SSo HHard TTo FFind ood imes re o ard o ind oGod iTmes rAe oS aHrd oT iFnd hood fimes zre zo jard fo cind hGood fTimes zAre zSo jHard fTo cFind
Ghood Tfimes Azre Szo Hjard Tfo Fcind yood 5imes qre wo uard 5o rind yGood 5Times qAre wSo uHard 5To rFind Gyood T5imes Aqre Swo Huard T5o Frind bood himes sre do nard ho gind
bGood hTimes sAre dSo nHard hTo gFind Gbood Thimes Asre Sdo Hnard Tho Fgind vood yimes wre eo bard yo tind vGood yTimes wAre eSo bHard yTo tFind Gvood Tyimes Awre Seo Hbard Tyo Ftind
food 6imes xre xo gard 6o vind fGood 6Times xAre xSo gHard 6To vFind Gfood T6imes Axre Sxo Hgard T6o Fvind tood gimes Arre ao yard go dind tGood gTimes Ae aSo yHard gTo dFind
Gtood Tgimes Aer Sao Hyard Tgo Fdind Goood rimes Ade Soo Haard ro Fiind God rTimes Adre S Hrd rTo Fnd Good Trimes Arde So Hrad Tro Fnid Gkod Tiimes A4e Sk Hzrd Too Fjnd
Gkood Tmes A4re Sko Hzard T Fjind Gokod Tmies Ar4e Sok Hazrd To Fijnd G9od Tjmes Age S9 Hqrd Tk F9nd G9ood Tjimes Agre S9o Hqard Tko F9ind Go9od Tijmes Arge So9 Haqrd Tok Fi9nd
G0od T9mes Ate S0 Hsrd T9 Flnd G0ood T9imes Atre S0o Hsard T9o Flind Go0od Ti9mes Arte So0 Hasrd To9 Filnd Glod Tlmes A5e Sl Hwrd T0 Fond Glood Tlimes A5re Slo Hward T0o Foind
Golod Tilmes Ar5e Sol Hawrd To0 Fiond Giod Tomes Afe Si Hxrd Tl Fknd Giood Toimes Afre Sio Hxard Tlo Fkind Goiod Tiomes Arfe Soi Haxrd Tol Fiknd Tkmes Aee Harrd Ti F8nd
Tkimes Aere Had Tio F8ind Godo Tikmes Aree Hadr Toi Fi8nd Gokd T8mes Hadd Fund T8imes Ar Hadrd Fuind Gookd Ti8mes Are Hardd Fiund
Go9d Tumes Ars Ha4d Finnd Tuimes Arse Ha4rd Fid Goo9d Tiumes Ares Har4d Fidn Go0d Timmes Ar3 Hagd Fimd Ties Ar3e Hagrd Fimnd

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