Blu Cantrell
Don't Wanna Say Goodbye

[VERSE 1:]
I can barely remember
What it was that made me walk away
But something inside my heart
is telling me I still love you
Now I'm walking all alone
this cold December day
I see you come to me
but I can't see
'Cause all I wanna do is tell you, baby

How many times
I daydreamed of what we could have been
How many times
I find myself asking why

I will never stop loving you
Can you tell me what I gotta do
'Cause I never wanna say goodbye
Don't wanna say goodbye again
Now I know that I was meant for you
One more time I can't bear to lose
I don't ever wanna say goodbye
Don't wanna say goodbye again

[VERSE 2:]
We thought it'd last forever
But I was swept away
what I thought I knew
it wasn't true
I wish I woulda knew before today
I always said I'd never
let myself lose again
Yes, I found a way
What I gotta do
To get myself back to you


I will never stop loving you
Can you tell me what I gotta do
'Cause I never wanna say goodbye
Don't wanna say goodbye again
Now I know that I was meant for you
One more time I can't bear to lose
I don't ever wanna say goodbye
Don't wanna say goodbye again

How can I get through to you
I'm not even close to over you
I'm telling you the truth
Got me shaky
There's nothing I won't do
To get you right back next to me
The way it's supposed to be


Mirror lyrics:


The way it's supposed to be
To get you right back next to me
There's nothing I won't do
Got me shaky
I'm telling you the truth
I'm not even close to over you
How can I get through to you

Don't wanna say goodbye again
I don't ever wanna say goodbye
One more time I can't bear to lose
Now I know that I was meant for you
Don't wanna say goodbye again
'Cause I never wanna say goodbye
Can you tell me what I gotta do
I will never stop loving you


To get myself back to you
What I gotta do
Yes, I found a way
let myself lose again
I always said I'd never
I wish I woulda knew before today
it wasn't true
what I thought I knew
But I was swept away
We thought it'd last forever
[VERSE 2:]

Don't wanna say goodbye again
I don't ever wanna say goodbye
One more time I can't bear to lose
Now I know that I was meant for you
Don't wanna say goodbye again
'Cause I never wanna say goodbye
Can you tell me what I gotta do
I will never stop loving you

I find myself asking why
How many times
I daydreamed of what we could have been
How many times

'Cause all I wanna do is tell you, baby
but I can't see
I see you come to me
this cold December day
Now I'm walking all alone
is telling me I still love you
But something inside my heart
What it was that made me walk away
I can barely remember
[VERSE 1:]

Relevant Tags:
DDon't WWanna SSay GGoodbye on't anna ay oodbye oDn't aWnna aSy oGodbye xon't aanna zay hoodbye xDon't aWanna zSay hGoodbye Dxon't Waanna Szay Ghoodbye
eon't 3anna way yoodbye eDon't 3Wanna wSay yGoodbye Deon't W3anna Sway Gyoodbye fon't danna day boodbye fDon't dWanna dSay bGoodbye Dfon't Wdanna Sday Gboodbye
ron't eanna eay voodbye rDon't eWanna eSay vGoodbye Dron't Weanna Seay Gvoodbye con't sanna xay foodbye cDon't sWanna xSay fGoodbye Dcon't Wsanna Sxay Gfoodbye
son't 2anna aay toodbye sDon't 2Wanna aSay tGoodbye Dson't W2anna Saay Gtoodbye Doon't qanna Gooodbye Dn't qWanna Sy Godbye Dno't Wqanna Sya Goodbye
Dkn't Szy Gkodbye Dkon't Wnna Gkoodbye Dokn't Wnana Sazy Gokodbye D9n't Wznna Sqy G9odbye D9on't Wzanna Sqay G9oodbye Do9n't Waznna Saqy Go9odbye
D0n't Wqnna Ssy G0odbye D0on't Ssay G0oodbye Do0n't Waqnna Sasy Go0odbye Dln't Wsnna Swy Glodbye Dlon't Gloodbye Doln't Wasnna Sawy Golodbye
Din't Wwnna Sxy Giodbye Dion't Wwanna Gioodbye Doin't Wawnna Saxy Goiodbye Donn't Wxnna Sayy Do't Wxanna Sa Do'nt Waxnna Say Godobye
Dom't Wannna Sag Gokdbye Domn't Wana Sagy Donm't Wanna Sayg Gookdbye Doh't Wamna Sah Go9dbye Dohn't Wamnna Sahy Donh't Wanmna Sayh Goo9dbye
Doj't Wahna Sa6 Go0dbye Dojn't Wahnna Sa6y Donj't Wanhna Say6 Goo0dbye Dob't Wajna Sau Goldbye Dobn't Wajnna Sauy Donb't Wanjna Sayu Gooldbye
Don''t Wabna Sa7 Goidbye Dont Wabnna Sa7y Dont' Wanbna Say7 Gooidbye Don'tt Saj Gooddbye Don' Sajy Goobye Don't Wanan Sayj Goobdye
Don'f Wanma Sat Gooxbye Don'ft Saty Gooxdbye Don'tf Wannma Sayt Goodxbye Don'5 Wanha Gooebye Don'5t Gooedbye Don't5 Wannha Goodebye

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