Blossom Dearie
Always True To You In My Fashion

(Cole Porter)

If a custom-tailored vet
Asks me out for something wet
When the vet
Begins to pet
I cry "Hooray!"
But I'm always true to you, darling, in my fashion
Yes I'm always true to you, darling, in my way

I've been asked to have a meal
By a big tycoon in steel
If the meal
Includes a deal
Accept I may
But I'm always true to you, darling, in my fashion
Yes I'm always true to you, darling, in my way

There's an oil man known as Tex
Who is keen to give me checks
And his checks, I fear
Mean that Tex is here
To stay
But I'm always true to you, darling, in my fashion
Yes I'm always true to you, darling, in my way

From Ohio Mister Thorn
Calls me up from night till morn
Mister Thorn once cornered corn and that ain't hay

But I'm always true to you, darling, in my fashion
Yes, I'm always true to you, darling, in my way

From Milwaukee mister fritz
Often dines me at the Ritz
Mister fritz invented schlitz and schlitz must pay

But I'm always true to you, darling, in my fashion
Yes, I'm always true to you, darling, in my way

Mister Harris, plutocrat, wants to give my cheek a pat
If the Harris pat means a Paris hat, okay

But I'm always true to you, darling, in my fashion
Yes, I'm always true to you, darling, in my way.
I'm always true to you, darling, in my old old fashion way

Mirror lyrics:

I'm always true to you, darling, in my old old fashion way
Yes, I'm always true to you, darling, in my way.
But I'm always true to you, darling, in my fashion

If the Harris pat means a Paris hat, okay
Mister Harris, plutocrat, wants to give my cheek a pat

Yes, I'm always true to you, darling, in my way
But I'm always true to you, darling, in my fashion

Mister fritz invented schlitz and schlitz must pay
Often dines me at the Ritz
From Milwaukee mister fritz

Yes, I'm always true to you, darling, in my way
But I'm always true to you, darling, in my fashion

Mister Thorn once cornered corn and that ain't hay
Calls me up from night till morn
From Ohio Mister Thorn

Yes I'm always true to you, darling, in my way
But I'm always true to you, darling, in my fashion
To stay
Mean that Tex is here
And his checks, I fear
Who is keen to give me checks
There's an oil man known as Tex

Yes I'm always true to you, darling, in my way
But I'm always true to you, darling, in my fashion
Accept I may
Includes a deal
If the meal
By a big tycoon in steel
I've been asked to have a meal

Yes I'm always true to you, darling, in my way
But I'm always true to you, darling, in my fashion
I cry "Hooray!"
Begins to pet
When the vet
Asks me out for something wet
If a custom-tailored vet

(Cole Porter)

Relevant Tags:
AAlways TTrue TTo YYou IIn MMy FFashion lways rue o ou n y ashion lAways rTue oT oYu nI yM aFshion zlways frue fo gou jn jy cashion zAlways fTrue fTo gYou jIn jMy cFashion
Azlways Tfrue Tfo Ygou Ijn Mjy Fcashion qlways 5rue 5o hou 9n ky rashion qAlways 5True 5To hYou 9In kMy rFashion Aqlways T5rue T5o Yhou I9n Mky Frashion slways hrue ho 6ou ln ny gashion
sAlways hTrue hTo 6You lIn nMy gFashion Aslways Thrue Tho Y6ou Iln Mny Fgashion wlways yrue yo uou on Myy tashion wAlways yTrue yTo uYou oIn M tFashion Awlways Tyrue Tyo Yuou Ion My Ftashion
xlways 6rue 6o 7ou kn Mg vashion xAlways 6True 6To 7You kIn Mgy vFashion Axlways T6rue T6o Y7ou Ikn Myg Fvashion Allways grue go jou 8n Mh dashion Aways gTrue gTo jYou 8In Mhy dFashion
Awlays Tgrue Tgo Yjou I8n Myh Fdashion Akways rrue ro tou un M6 Faashion Aklways rTrue rTo tYou uIn M6y Fshion Alkways Trrue Tro Ytou Iun My6 Fsahion Aoways Too Yoou Inn Mu Fzshion
Aolways Tue T Yu I Muy Fzashion Aloways Ture To Yuo In Myu Fazshion Apways Tdue Tk Yku Im M7 Fqshion Aplways Tdrue Tko Ykou Imn M7y Fqashion Alpways Trdue Tok Yoku Inm My7 Faqshion
Alwways T4ue T9 Y9u Ih Mj Fsshion Alays T4rue T9o Y9ou Ihn Fsashion Alawys Tr4ue To9 Yo9u Inh Myj Fasshion Alaays Tgue T0 Y0u Ij Mt Fwshion Alaways T0o Y0ou Mty Fwashion
Alwaays Trgue To0 Yo0u Inj Myt Fawshion Al3ays Ttue Tl Ylu Ib Fxshion Al3ways Ttrue Tlo Ylou Ibn Fxashion Alw3ays Trtue Tol Yolu Inb Faxshion Aldays T5ue Ti Yiu
Aldways Tio Yiou Fahion Alwdays Tr5ue Toi Yoiu Fahsion Aleays Tfue Youu Fazhion Aleways Yo Alweays Trfue You Faszhion
Alsays Teue Yoh Fawhion Alsways Terue Yohu Alwsays Treue Youh Faswhion Al2ays Truue Yo7 Fadhion Al2ways Tre Yo7u Fadshion
Alw2ays Treu You7 Fasdhion Alqays Trhe Yok Faehion Alqways Trhue Faeshion Alwqays Truhe Youk Fasehion Tr7e Yoi Faxhion
Alwys Tr7ue Alwyas Tru7e Youi Fasxhion Alwzys Trke Yo8 Faahion Alwzays Trkue Yo8u Alwazys Truke You8 Fasahion
Alwqys Trie Yoj Fashhion Triue Yoju Fasion Alwaqys Truie Youj Fasihon

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