Blood Sweat And Tears
Somethin's Goin' On

You know I woke up this mornin' people
The first thing I did was to look into your eyes
In that space where I used to find so much truthfulness
There was a stone cold pack of lies

You know that somethin' goin' on
Somethin' goin' on and I don't know what it is
Somethin's goin' on people
All right

I went on down to the mailbox
Seems I got the phone bill yesterday
Charging me for some hour conversations
From someone in L.A.!

I know that somethin' goin' on
Somethin' goin' on, what is it
Somethin' goin' on, how about that
I better get to the bottom of that

[Long Solos]

Now wait a minute!
I wanna hear you blow now

[Sax solo with counterpoint by Kooper]
Go ahead, go ahead
I want you to blow for all the men whose women who don't keep a true love now
I want you to blow for all the people who have to face an empty bed now
Go ahead, blow one for yourself
Blow one for me too
Yeah, listen
You got to love your woman in the morning
You got to love your woman in the night
You got to love your woman all the time, to make her feel all right
You got to give her what she wants
When she wants it, how she wants it, anytime she might think she wants it
When your lovin' your woman people
And both of you know the score
You know it makes a long-time man suspicious
To come home, to an unlocked door
Bound to know, somethin' goin' on
Somethin' goin' on, but you don't know what it is
Somethin' goin' on people
I better get to the bottom of this, look out!
[Al Screams for a while until fade]

Mirror lyrics:

[Al Screams for a while until fade]
I better get to the bottom of this, look out!
Somethin' goin' on people
Somethin' goin' on, but you don't know what it is
Bound to know, somethin' goin' on
To come home, to an unlocked door
You know it makes a long-time man suspicious
And both of you know the score
When your lovin' your woman people
When she wants it, how she wants it, anytime she might think she wants it
You got to give her what she wants
You got to love your woman all the time, to make her feel all right
You got to love your woman in the night
You got to love your woman in the morning
Yeah, listen
Blow one for me too
Go ahead, blow one for yourself
I want you to blow for all the people who have to face an empty bed now
I want you to blow for all the men whose women who don't keep a true love now
Go ahead, go ahead
[Sax solo with counterpoint by Kooper]

I wanna hear you blow now
Now wait a minute!

[Long Solos]

I better get to the bottom of that
Somethin' goin' on, how about that
Somethin' goin' on, what is it
I know that somethin' goin' on

From someone in L.A.!
Charging me for some hour conversations
Seems I got the phone bill yesterday
I went on down to the mailbox

All right
Somethin's goin' on people
Somethin' goin' on and I don't know what it is
You know that somethin' goin' on

There was a stone cold pack of lies
In that space where I used to find so much truthfulness
The first thing I did was to look into your eyes
You know I woke up this mornin' people

Relevant Tags:
SSomethin's GGoin' OOn omethin's oin' n oSmethin's oGin' nO zomethin's hoin' kn zSomethin's hGoin' kOn Szomethin's Ghoin' Okn
womethin's yoin' 9n wSomethin's yGoin' 9On Swomethin's Gyoin' O9n domethin's boin' 0n dSomethin's bGoin' 0On Sdomethin's Gboin' O0n
eomethin's voin' ln eSomethin's vGoin' lOn Seomethin's Gvoin' Oln xomethin's foin' in xSomethin's fGoin' iOn Sxomethin's Gfoin' Oin
aomethin's toin' Onn aSomethin's tGoin' O Saomethin's Gtoin' On Soomethin's Gooin' Om Smethin's Gin' Omn Smoethin's Gion' Onm
Skmethin's Gkin' Oh Skomethin's Gkoin' Ohn Sokmethin's Gokin' Onh S9methin's G9in' Oj S9omethin's G9oin' Ojn So9methin's Go9in' Onj
S0methin's G0in' Ob S0omethin's G0oin' Obn So0methin's Go0in' Onb Slmethin's Glin' Slomethin's Gloin' Solmethin's Golin'
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Som4ethin's Goimn' Some4thin's Goinm' Somdthin's Goih' Somdethin's Goihn' Somedthin's Goinh' Somwthin's Goij'
Somwethin's Somewthin's Goinj' Sometthin's Goib' Somehin's Goibn' Somehtin's Goinb' Somefhin's Goin''
Goin Sometfhin's Goin' Some5hin's Some5thin's Somet5hin's Somehhin's
Somehthin's Somethhin's

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