Blue In The Face

Every time I do my best
I'm not satisfied
The stakes are high
I do concentrate
l'm Iearning all the time
It's hard to get in the right mood
Being as erratic as I am
You know the feeling "never again" -
That's me but I always
Watch the rerun

What I used to feel -
I don't feel anymore
What i used to see -
I don't see anymore

I live my days one by one and there's no way
I'm gonna look back now
Inspiration moved out today
And my mind is set on something new

All my life I've been searching for
Something to get completely lost with
Shoulder to lean on is way to0 near
You'd rather stumble and break your skin

Mirror lyrics:

You'd rather stumble and break your skin
Shoulder to lean on is way to0 near
Something to get completely lost with
All my life I've been searching for

And my mind is set on something new
Inspiration moved out today
I'm gonna look back now
I live my days one by one and there's no way

I don't see anymore
What i used to see -
I don't feel anymore
What I used to feel -

Watch the rerun
That's me but I always
You know the feeling "never again" -
Being as erratic as I am
It's hard to get in the right mood
l'm Iearning all the time
I do concentrate
The stakes are high
I'm not satisfied
Every time I do my best

Relevant Tags:
BBlue IIn TThe FFace lue n he ace lBue nI hTe aFce vlue jn fhe cace vBlue jIn fThe cFace Bvlue Ijn Tfhe Fcace glue 9n 5he race
gBlue 9In 5The rFace Bglue I9n T5he Frace nlue ln hhe gace nBlue lIn hThe gFace Bnlue Iln Thhe Fgace hlue on yhe tace hBlue oIn yThe tFace
Bhlue Ion Tyhe Ftace Bllue kn 6he vace Bue kIn 6The vFace Bule Ikn T6he Fvace Bkue 8n ghe dace Bklue 8In gThe dFace Blkue I8n Tghe Fdace
Boue un rhe Faace Bolue uIn rThe Fce Bloue Iun Trhe Fcae Bpue Inn Fzce Bplue I Te Fzace Blpue In Teh Fazce Bluue Im Tje Fqce
Ble Imn Tjhe Fqace Bleu Inm Thje Faqce Blhe Ih Tue Fsce Blhue Ihn Tuhe Fsace Bluhe Inh Thue Fasce Bl7e Ij Tne Fwce Bl7ue Tnhe Fwace
Blu7e Inj Thne Fawce Blke Ib Tbe Fxce Ibn Tbhe Fxace

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