Blood Has Been Shed

After all this time after all this time knowledge I've gained can be put to
use my consumption of truth beckons me to the everlasting I now speak and
accept responsibility for my actions a lifetime of this struggle results in
the immortal your words will live forever in me you will never die rip
through the fabric of birth my existence has always been known and I intend
to benefit from the words written in stone I must not be silenced when I am
vocal you are immortal I must not be silenced you words will live forever
you will never die.

Mirror lyrics:

you will never die.
vocal you are immortal I must not be silenced you words will live forever
to benefit from the words written in stone I must not be silenced when I am
through the fabric of birth my existence has always been known and I intend
the immortal your words will live forever in me you will never die rip
accept responsibility for my actions a lifetime of this struggle results in
use my consumption of truth beckons me to the everlasting I now speak and
After all this time after all this time knowledge I've gained can be put to

Relevant Tags:
IImmortal mmortal mImortal jmmortal jImmortal Ijmmortal 9mmortal 9Immortal I9mmortal lmmortal lImmortal
Ilmmortal ommortal oImmortal Iommortal kmmortal kImmortal Ikmmortal 8mmortal 8Immortal I8mmortal ummortal
uImmortal Iummortal Immmortal Imortal Immortal Ijmortal Imjmortal Ikmortal Imkmortal Inmortal Inmmortal
Imnmortal Imomrtal Imjortal Immjortal Imkortal Immkortal Imnortal Immnortal Immoortal Immrtal Immrotal
Immkrtal Immokrtal Imm9rtal Imm9ortal Immo9rtal Imm0rtal Imm0ortal Immo0rtal Immlrtal Immlortal Immolrtal
Immirtal Immiortal

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