Bleeding Through
What I Bleed Without You

I've had enough of this
You're all the same to me
I want to be alone
Eat me alive with your sickness
Cold the blood that courses through me
So should I let it go?
My veins run sand that won't pass

You were supposed to be my only cure
I've had enough of this
You're all the same to me
I want to be alone
Eat me alive with your sickness
You were supposed to be my only cure
You were supposed to be the one to take her place

Sorry about tomorrow
I'm not sorry about today
This eats me alive
I'm going to say what I want to say
You were my one true cure
My only love
You were my one true pain
My only hate
You were supposed to be there
You were supposed to be the truth
You were supposed to take her place
You were supposed to be my solitude

Sorry about tomorrow
I'm not sorry about today
This eats me alive
I'm going to say what I want to say
You were my one true cure
My only pain
You were my one true pain
My only hate

My only hate
My only cure
My only pain
I hate you
I love you
My only cure
My only pain
I hate you
I love you

Mirror lyrics:

I love you
I hate you
My only pain
My only cure
I love you
I hate you
My only pain
My only cure
My only hate

My only hate
You were my one true pain
My only pain
You were my one true cure
I'm going to say what I want to say
This eats me alive
I'm not sorry about today
Sorry about tomorrow

You were supposed to be my solitude
You were supposed to take her place
You were supposed to be the truth
You were supposed to be there
My only hate
You were my one true pain
My only love
You were my one true cure
I'm going to say what I want to say
This eats me alive
I'm not sorry about today
Sorry about tomorrow

You were supposed to be the one to take her place
You were supposed to be my only cure
Eat me alive with your sickness
I want to be alone
You're all the same to me
I've had enough of this
You were supposed to be my only cure

My veins run sand that won't pass
So should I let it go?
Cold the blood that courses through me
Eat me alive with your sickness
I want to be alone
You're all the same to me
I've had enough of this

Relevant Tags:
WWhat II BBleed WWithout YYou hat leed ithout ou hWat I lBeed iWthout oYu ahat j vleed aithout gou aWhat jI vBleed aWithout gYou Wahat Ij Bvleed Waithout Ygou
3hat 9 gleed 3ithout hou 3What 9I gBleed 3Without hYou W3hat I9 Bgleed W3ithout Yhou dhat l nleed dithout 6ou dWhat lI nBleed dWithout 6You Wdhat Il Bnleed Wdithout Y6ou
ehat o hleed eithout uou eWhat oI hBleed eWithout uYou Wehat Io Bhleed Weithout Yuou shat k Blleed sithout 7ou sWhat kI Beed sWithout 7You Wshat Ik Beled Wsithout Y7ou
2hat 8 Bkeed 2ithout jou 2What 8I Bkleed 2Without jYou W2hat I8 Blkeed W2ithout Yjou qhat u Boeed qithout tou qWhat uI Boleed qWithout tYou Wqhat Iu Bloeed Wqithout Ytou
Whhat Bpeed Wiithout Yoou Wat Bpleed Wthout Yu Waht Blpeed Wtihout Yuo Wjat Bleeed Wjthout Yku Wjhat Bled Wjithout Ykou Whjat Bleed Wijthout Yoku
Wuat Blsed W9thout Y9u Wuhat Blseed W9ithout Y9ou Whuat Blesed Wi9thout Yo9u Wnat Bl3ed Wlthout Y0u Wnhat Bl3eed Wlithout Y0ou Whnat Ble3ed Wilthout Yo0u
Wbat Blfed Wothout Ylu Wbhat Blfeed Woithout Ylou Whbat Blefed Wiothout Yolu Wgat Blred Wkthout Yiu Wghat Blreed Wkithout Yiou Whgat Blered Wikthout Yoiu
Wyat Bl4ed W8thout Youu Wyhat Bl4eed W8ithout Yo Whyat Ble4ed Wi8thout You Whaat Blded Wuthout Yoh Wht Bldeed Wuithout Yohu Whta Bleded Wiuthout Youh
Whzt Blwed Witthout Yo7 Whzat Blweed Wihout Yo7u Whazt Blewed Wihtout You7 Whqt Wifhout Yok Whqat Wifthout Whaqt Blede Witfhout Youk
Whst Blesd Wi5hout Yoi Whsat Wi5thout Whast Bleesd Wit5hout Youi Whwt Ble3d Wihhout Yo8 Whwat Wihthout Yo8u Whawt Blee3d Withhout You8
Whxt Blefd Wiyhout Yoj Whxat Wiythout Yoju Whaxt Bleefd Wityhout Youj Whatt Blerd Wi6hout Yoy Wha Wi6thout Yoyu What Bleerd Wit6hout Youy
Whaf Ble4d Wighout Whaft Wigthout Whatf Blee4d Witghout Wha5 Bledd Wirhout Wha5t Wirthout What5 Bleedd Witrhout
Whah Blewd Whaht Witout Whath Bleewd Witohut Whay Witjout

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