Bleed The Dream
You'll Have To Lie, To Be Honest

Burn the evidence before you go to sleep tonight.
Burn the evidence before you go to sleep tonight.
Don't forget to dream.
Make an alibi that sits inside your heart,
And lies enough for honesty.

I don't think you know,
Just how far they're willing to go,
To catch us in the act.
Where were you last night,
'Cause you sure as hell were not with me.
I was home asleep.
Are you starting to get the picture?
It's a little bit bigger than we knew,
What we stepped into.

I don't really know the whole situation,
But I know enough to know we're in danger.

Burn the evidence before you go to sleep tonight.
Don't forget to breathe.
Make an alibi that sits inside your heart,
And lies enough for honesty.

Some things are worth lying for,
If you're prepared to live with the threat,
To the bitter end.
So kiss me one last time,
To my quivering nervous neck,
As you sell it to me.

I don't really know the whole situation,
But I know enough to know we're in danger.

Burn the evidence before you go to sleep tonight.
Don't forget to dream.
Make an alibi that sits inside your heart,
And lies enough for you and me.

Come on and take this secret.
Come on take this secret to your grave with me.
Burn the evidence, make an alibi.
Take it, take it, take it.

Mirror lyrics:

Take it, take it, take it.
Burn the evidence, make an alibi.
Come on take this secret to your grave with me.
Come on and take this secret.

And lies enough for you and me.
Make an alibi that sits inside your heart,
Don't forget to dream.
Burn the evidence before you go to sleep tonight.

But I know enough to know we're in danger.
I don't really know the whole situation,

As you sell it to me.
To my quivering nervous neck,
So kiss me one last time,
To the bitter end.
If you're prepared to live with the threat,
Some things are worth lying for,

And lies enough for honesty.
Make an alibi that sits inside your heart,
Don't forget to breathe.
Burn the evidence before you go to sleep tonight.

But I know enough to know we're in danger.
I don't really know the whole situation,

What we stepped into.
It's a little bit bigger than we knew,
Are you starting to get the picture?
I was home asleep.
'Cause you sure as hell were not with me.
Where were you last night,
To catch us in the act.
Just how far they're willing to go,
I don't think you know,

And lies enough for honesty.
Make an alibi that sits inside your heart,
Don't forget to dream.
Burn the evidence before you go to sleep tonight.
Burn the evidence before you go to sleep tonight.

Relevant Tags:
YYou'll HHave TTo LLie, TTo BBe HHonest ou'll ave o ie, o e onest oYu'll aHve oT iLe, oT eB oHnest gou'll jave fo kie, fo ve jonest gYou'll jHave fTo kLie, fTo vBe jHonest
Ygou'll Hjave Tfo Lkie, Tfo Bve Hjonest hou'll uave 5o oie, 5o ge uonest hYou'll uHave 5To oLie, 5To gBe uHonest Yhou'll Huave T5o Loie, T5o Bge Huonest 6ou'll nave ho pie, ho ne nonest
6You'll nHave hTo pLie, hTo nBe nHonest Y6ou'll Hnave Tho Lpie, Tho Bne Hnonest uou'll bave yo Liie, yo he bonest uYou'll bHave yTo Le, yTo hBe bHonest Yuou'll Hbave Tyo Lei, Tyo Bhe Hbonest
7ou'll gave 6o Lje, 6o Bee gonest 7You'll gHave 6To Ljie, 6To B gHonest Y7ou'll Hgave T6o Lije, T6o Be Hgonest jou'll yave go L9e, go Bs yonest jYou'll yHave gTo L9ie, gTo Bse yHonest
Yjou'll Hyave Tgo Li9e, Tgo Bes Hyonest tou'll Haave ro Lle, ro B3 Hoonest tYou'll Hve rTo Llie, rTo B3e Hnest Ytou'll Hvae Tro Lile, Tro Be3 Hnoest Yoou'll Hzve Too Loe, Too Bf Hknest
Yu'll Hzave T T Bfe Hkonest Yuo'll Hazve To Lioe, To Bef Hoknest Yku'll Hqve Tk Lke, Tk Br H9nest Ykou'll Hqave Tko Tko Bre H9onest Yoku'll Haqve Tok Like, Tok Ber Ho9nest
Y9u'll Hsve T9 L8e, T9 B4 H0nest Y9ou'll Hsave T9o L8ie, T9o B4e H0onest Yo9u'll Hasve To9 Li8e, To9 Be4 Ho0nest Y0u'll Hwve T0 Lue, T0 Bd Hlnest Y0ou'll Hwave T0o Luie, T0o Bde Hlonest
Yo0u'll Hawve To0 Liue, To0 Bed Holnest Ylu'll Hxve Tl Liee, Tl Bw Hinest Ylou'll Hxave Tlo Li, Tlo Bwe Hionest Yolu'll Haxve Tol Li,e Tol Bew Hoinest Yiu'll Havve Ti Lis, Ti Honnest
Yiou'll Hae Tio Lise, Tio Hoest Yoiu'll Haev Toi Lies, Toi Hoenst Youu'll Habe Li3, Homest Yo'll Habve Li3e, Homnest Yo'ull Havbe Lie3, Honmest
Yoh'll Hace Lif, Hohest Yohu'll Hacve Life, Hohnest Youh'll Havce Lief, Honhest Yo7'll Hage Lir, Hojest Yo7u'll Hagve Lire, Hojnest
You7'll Havge Lier, Honjest Yok'll Hafe Li4, Hobest Hafve Li4e, Hobnest Youk'll Havfe Lie4, Honbest Yoi'll Havee Lid, Honeest
Hav Lide, Honst Youi'll Have Lied, Honset Yo8'll Havs Liw, Honsst Yo8u'll Havse Liwe, Honsest You8'll Haves Liew, Honesst

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