Best Days

Bow bells say goodbye to the last train
Over the river they all go again
Out in to leafy nowhere hope someone
waiting out there for them

Cabbie has his mind on a fare to the sun
He works nights but it's not much fun
Picks up the London yo yo's, all on their way down Soho

Other people wouldn't like to hear you
If you said that these are the best days of their lives
Other people would turn around and laugh at you
If you said that these are the best days of their lives

Trellick towers been calling
I know she'll leave me in the morning
Yeah yeah

In hotel cells listening to dial tones
Remote controls and cable moans
In his drink he's been talking
Gets disconnected sllepwalking back home

Other people wouldn't like to hear you
If you said that these are the best days of their lives
Other people would turn around and laugh at you
If you said that these are the best days of their lives

Other people wouldn't like to hear you
If you said that these are the best days of our lives

Mirror lyrics:

If you said that these are the best days of our lives
Other people wouldn't like to hear you

If you said that these are the best days of their lives
Other people would turn around and laugh at you
If you said that these are the best days of their lives
Other people wouldn't like to hear you

Gets disconnected sllepwalking back home
In his drink he's been talking
Remote controls and cable moans
In hotel cells listening to dial tones

Yeah yeah
I know she'll leave me in the morning
Trellick towers been calling

If you said that these are the best days of their lives
Other people would turn around and laugh at you
If you said that these are the best days of their lives
Other people wouldn't like to hear you

Picks up the London yo yo's, all on their way down Soho
He works nights but it's not much fun
Cabbie has his mind on a fare to the sun

waiting out there for them
Out in to leafy nowhere hope someone
Over the river they all go again
Bow bells say goodbye to the last train

Relevant Tags:
BBest DDays est ays eBst aDys vest xays vBest xDays Bvest Dxays gest eays gBest eDays Bgest Deays nest fays nBest fDays
Bnest Dfays hest rays hBest rDays Bhest Drays Beest cays Bst cDays Bset Dcays Bsst says Bsest sDays Besst Dsays B3st Daays
B3est Dys Be3st Dyas Bfst Dzys Bfest Dzays Befst Dazys Brst Dqys Brest Dqays Berst Daqys B4st Dsys B4est Be4st Dasys
Bdst Dwys Bdest Dways Bedst Dawys Bwst Dxys Bwest Bewst Daxys Dayys Bet Das

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