Blues Traveler

Gina, Gina
don't you cry
Gina, Gina
wonder why, I said wonder why

Gina, Gina
dance all night
Gina, Gina
feel all right

Gina, Gina
can't you see
Gina, Gina
you're just free, I said you're just

Well once upon a time
a long time ago
there was a rock & roll queen
we came to know
She kept on dancing, she'd dance
till the dawn
she'd dance till the people and the
liquor were gone
She kept on dancing as the crowd
grew large
when it came to grooving, you
know she was in charge
She still finds ways today to
groove somehow
in fact she could be reading these
liner notes right now

Gina, Gina
don't you cry
Gina, Gina
wonder why, I said wonder why, I
said wonder why

Mirror lyrics:

said wonder why
wonder why, I said wonder why, I
Gina, Gina
don't you cry
Gina, Gina

liner notes right now
in fact she could be reading these
groove somehow
She still finds ways today to
know she was in charge
when it came to grooving, you
grew large
She kept on dancing as the crowd
liquor were gone
she'd dance till the people and the
till the dawn
She kept on dancing, she'd dance
we came to know
there was a rock & roll queen
a long time ago
Well once upon a time

you're just free, I said you're just
Gina, Gina
can't you see
Gina, Gina

feel all right
Gina, Gina
dance all night
Gina, Gina

wonder why, I said wonder why
Gina, Gina
don't you cry
Gina, Gina

Relevant Tags:
GGina ina iGna hina hGina Ghina yina yGina Gyina bina bGina
Gbina vina vGina Gvina fina fGina Gfina tina tGina Gtina Giina
Gna Gnia Gjna Gjina Gijna G9na G9ina Gi9na Glna Glina Gilna
Gona Goina Giona Gkna Gkina Gikna

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