Blues Traveler
Battle Of Someone

Well I love no one and I don't care who knows
Don't care if you're far away
Don't give a damn if you're close
I'm the vacant distraction of a broken old man
I lack shape or color
Not even gray or even tan
I'd hate all I see but it makes me too tired
I'm much more at home when left uninspired
So damn me to hell and resist if you must
But lower your eyes once and I'll emerge from the dust

For I am nothing
Yes I am nothing
Yes I am nothing
And I love no one

Well I love everyone I am filled with delight
I understand all your feelings I don't see from wrong or right
I'm the look in your eyes when you're telling the truth
I'm the wisdom of age and the beauty of youth
I am shape substance color darkest black palest white
Speckled gold ringing mirror sharp soft and bright
I'm rage passion laughter and the need to know why
Come sample all my riches I'm pure stimuli

For I am everything
Yes I am everything
Yes I am everything
And I love everyone

Well I can only love someone I am just a person
My father loved my mother and I am her son
The preceding verses are the halves of my soul
I'm just the battlefield and that is my role
There's a tug of war between what I can and can't feel
The inevitable compromise determines the real
The equation the reason for my being here
The struggle resulting in my invention of the tear
For I'm only something
Yes I'm only something
Yes I'm only something
And I can only love someone

And its the best I can do
Its the very best I can do
You're probably someone too
So perhaps I love you
Perhaps you'll love me too
Perhaps you'll love me too
Perhaps you'll love me too
Be doo be doo....
Skoodly ooodly ah be doo (etc.)

Mirror lyrics:

Skoodly ooodly ah be doo (etc.)
Be doo be doo....
Perhaps you'll love me too
Perhaps you'll love me too
Perhaps you'll love me too
So perhaps I love you
You're probably someone too
Its the very best I can do
And its the best I can do

And I can only love someone
Yes I'm only something
Yes I'm only something
For I'm only something
The struggle resulting in my invention of the tear
The equation the reason for my being here
The inevitable compromise determines the real
There's a tug of war between what I can and can't feel
I'm just the battlefield and that is my role
The preceding verses are the halves of my soul
My father loved my mother and I am her son
Well I can only love someone I am just a person

And I love everyone
Yes I am everything
Yes I am everything
For I am everything

Come sample all my riches I'm pure stimuli
I'm rage passion laughter and the need to know why
Speckled gold ringing mirror sharp soft and bright
I am shape substance color darkest black palest white
I'm the wisdom of age and the beauty of youth
I'm the look in your eyes when you're telling the truth
I understand all your feelings I don't see from wrong or right
Well I love everyone I am filled with delight

And I love no one
Yes I am nothing
Yes I am nothing
For I am nothing

But lower your eyes once and I'll emerge from the dust
So damn me to hell and resist if you must
I'm much more at home when left uninspired
I'd hate all I see but it makes me too tired
Not even gray or even tan
I lack shape or color
I'm the vacant distraction of a broken old man
Don't give a damn if you're close
Don't care if you're far away
Well I love no one and I don't care who knows

Relevant Tags:
BBattle OOf SSomeone attle f omeone aBttle fO oSmeone vattle kf zomeone vBattle kOf zSomeone Bvattle Okf Szomeone
gattle 9f womeone gBattle 9Of wSomeone Bgattle O9f Swomeone nattle 0f domeone nBattle 0Of dSomeone Bnattle O0f Sdomeone
hattle lf eomeone hBattle lOf eSomeone Bhattle Olf Seomeone Baattle if xomeone Bttle iOf xSomeone Btatle Oif Sxomeone
Bzttle Off aomeone Bzattle O aSomeone Bazttle Of Saomeone Bqttle Oc Soomeone Bqattle Ocf Smeone Baqttle Ofc Smoeone
Bsttle Or Skmeone Bsattle Orf Skomeone Basttle Ofr Sokmeone Bwttle Og S9meone Bwattle Ogf S9omeone Bawttle Ofg So9meone
Bxttle Ot S0meone Bxattle Otf S0omeone Baxttle Oft So0meone Batttle Ov Slmeone Batle Ovf Slomeone Battle Ofv Solmeone
Baftle Od Simeone Bafttle Odf Siomeone Batftle Ofd Soimeone Ba5tle Sommeone Ba5ttle Soeone Bat5tle Soemone
Bahtle Sojeone Bahttle Sojmeone Bathtle Somjeone Baytle Sokeone Bayttle Batytle Somkeone
Ba6tle Soneone Ba6ttle Sonmeone Bat6tle Somneone Bagtle Someeone Bagttle Somone Batgtle Somoene
Bartle Somsone Barttle Somseone Batrtle Somesone Som3one Som3eone Batlte Some3one
Batfle Somfone Somfeone Battfle Somefone Bat5le Somrone Somreone Batt5le Somerone

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