Blues Brothers
Messin' With The Kid

What's this I hear
There's a whole lotta talk
The people say you try to quit the kid

Hey yeah
Tell me what you did
You can call it what you want
But I call it messin' with the kid

Now the kid plays hot
And hot don't pay
I say what I mean, I mean what I say

Yeah, yeah
Tell me what you did
You can call it what you want
But I call it messin' with the kid

Well tell me you love me
You tell me a lie
But I know I love ya baby, 'til the day I die

Hey yeah
Tell me what you did
You can call it what you want
But I call it messing with the kid

Elwood, Elwood!
You wanna mess with the kid?
-Nah Jake, I don't wanna mess with the kid...
Yeah I know, I know that. How about you guys back here?
You wanna mess with the kid? Any of you guys? How about you people out there
you wanna mess with the kid?

Gonna take the kid's car
Drive around town
Tell everybody trying to put him down

Hey yeah
Tell me what you did
You can call it what you want
I call it messin' with the kid

Mirror lyrics:

I call it messin' with the kid
You can call it what you want
Tell me what you did
Hey yeah

Tell everybody trying to put him down
Drive around town
Gonna take the kid's car

you wanna mess with the kid?
You wanna mess with the kid? Any of you guys? How about you people out there
Yeah I know, I know that. How about you guys back here?
-Nah Jake, I don't wanna mess with the kid...
You wanna mess with the kid?
Elwood, Elwood!

But I call it messing with the kid
You can call it what you want
Tell me what you did
Hey yeah

But I know I love ya baby, 'til the day I die
You tell me a lie
Well tell me you love me

But I call it messin' with the kid
You can call it what you want
Tell me what you did
Yeah, yeah

I say what I mean, I mean what I say
And hot don't pay
Now the kid plays hot

But I call it messin' with the kid
You can call it what you want
Tell me what you did
Hey yeah

The people say you try to quit the kid
There's a whole lotta talk
What's this I hear

Relevant Tags:
MMessin' WWith TThe KKid essin' ith he id eMssin' iWth hTe iKd jessin' aith fhe lid jMessin' aWith fThe lKid Mjessin' Waith Tfhe Klid
kessin' 3ith 5he oid kMessin' 3With 5The oKid Mkessin' W3ith T5he Koid nessin' dith hhe mid nMessin' dWith hThe mKid Mnessin' Wdith Thhe Kmid
Meessin' eith yhe jid Mssin' eWith yThe jKid Msesin' Weith Tyhe Kjid Msssin' sith 6he iid Msessin' sWith 6The iKid Messsin' Wsith T6he Kiid
M3ssin' 2ith ghe M3essin' 2With gThe Kd Me3ssin' W2ith Tghe Kdi Mfssin' qith rhe Kjd Mfessin' qWith rThe Mefssin' Wqith Trhe Kijd
Mrssin' Wiith K9d Mressin' Wth Te K9id Merssin' Wtih Teh Ki9d M4ssin' Wjth Tje Kld M4essin' Wjith Tjhe Me4ssin' Wijth Thje Kild
Mdssin' W9th Tue Kod Mdessin' W9ith Tuhe Medssin' Wi9th Thue Kiod Mwssin' Wlth Tne Kkd Mwessin' Wlith Tnhe Kkid Mewssin' Wilth Thne Kikd
Woth Tbe K8d Mesin' Woith Tbhe K8id Messin' Wioth Thbe Ki8d Mezsin' Wkth Tge Kud Mezssin' Wkith Kuid Meszsin' Wikth Thge Kiud
Mewsin' W8th Tye Kidd W8ith Ki Meswsin' Wi8th Thye Kid Medsin' Wuth Thee Kix Wuith Th Kixd Mesdsin' Wiuth The Kidx
Meesin' Witth Ths Kie Wih Thse Kied Mesesin' Wiht Thes Kide Mexsin' Wifh Th3 Kif Mexssin' Wifth Th3e Kifd

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