Bluebottle Kiss
Give Up The Ghost

Driven so left field ignoring the sun
Coughing up the stars and still invisible to everyone
But you set my hands on fire till the ice is melted
Help me succumb
To any time or place until I'm finally faceless
Help me retraceâ?¦ it
And help me sound off these rusty submarine bells
Grab your local street directory look under H for help
Is it near?
Because when your car takes so much time to start these days

That when it does I'm gonna disappear
To any time or place until your finally faceless
When all you want is giftlessness just to drive
For miles and miles
And who needs love when you can't
Give up the ghost

Mirror lyrics:

Give up the ghost
And who needs love when you can't
For miles and miles
When all you want is giftlessness just to drive
To any time or place until your finally faceless
That when it does I'm gonna disappear

Because when your car takes so much time to start these days
Is it near?
Grab your local street directory look under H for help
And help me sound off these rusty submarine bells
Help me retraceâ?¦ it
To any time or place until I'm finally faceless
Help me succumb
But you set my hands on fire till the ice is melted
Coughing up the stars and still invisible to everyone
Driven so left field ignoring the sun

Relevant Tags:
GGive UUp TThe GGhost ive p he host iGve pU hTe hGost hive hp fhe hhost hGive hUp fThe hGhost Ghive Uhp Tfhe Ghhost
yive 7p 5he yhost yGive 7Up 5The yGhost Gyive U7p T5he Gyhost bive kp hhe bhost bGive kUp hThe bGhost Gbive Ukp Thhe Gbhost
vive ip yhe vhost vGive iUp yThe vGhost Gvive Uip Tyhe Gvhost five 8p 6he fhost fGive 8Up 6The fGhost Gfive U8p T6he Gfhost
tive jp ghe thost tGive jUp gThe tGhost Gtive Ujp Tghe Gthost Giive yp rhe Gve yUp rThe Gost Gvie Uyp Trhe Gohst
Gjve Upp Gjost Gjive U Te Gjhost Gijve Up Teh Ghjost G9ve U0 Tje Guost G9ive U0p Tjhe Guhost Gi9ve Up0 Thje Ghuost
Glve Ul Tue Gnost Glive Ulp Tuhe Gnhost Gilve Upl Thue Ghnost Gove Uo Tne Gbost Goive Uop Tnhe Giove Upo Thne Ghbost
Gkve Tbe Ggost Gkive Tbhe Gghost Gikve Thbe Ghgost G8ve Tge Gyost G8ive Gi8ve Thge Ghyost
Guve Tye Ghoost Guive Ghst Giuve Thye Ghsot Givve Thee Ghkst Gie Th Ghkost Giev The Ghokst
Gibe Ths Gh9st Gibve Thse Gh9ost Givbe Thes Gho9st

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