You Only Live Twice

You only live twice or so it seems
One life for yourself and one for your dreams
You drift through the years and life seems tame
Till one dream appears and love is its name

And love is a stranger who'll beckon you on
Don't think of the danger or the stranger is gone
This dream is for you, so pay the price
Make one dream come true, you only live twice

And love is a stranger who'll beckon you on
Don't think of the danger or the stranger is gone
This dream is for you, so pay the price
Make one dream come true, you only live twice

Mirror lyrics:

Make one dream come true, you only live twice
This dream is for you, so pay the price
Don't think of the danger or the stranger is gone
And love is a stranger who'll beckon you on

Make one dream come true, you only live twice
This dream is for you, so pay the price
Don't think of the danger or the stranger is gone
And love is a stranger who'll beckon you on

Till one dream appears and love is its name
You drift through the years and life seems tame
One life for yourself and one for your dreams
You only live twice or so it seems

Relevant Tags:
YYou OOnly LLive TTwice ou nly ive wice oYu nOly iLve wTice gou knly kive fwice gYou kOnly kLive fTwice Ygou Oknly Lkive Tfwice
hou 9nly oive 5wice hYou 9Only oLive 5Twice Yhou O9nly Loive T5wice 6ou 0nly pive hwice 6You 0Only pLive hTwice Y6ou O0nly Lpive Thwice
uou lnly Liive ywice uYou lOnly Lve yTwice Yuou Olnly Lvie Tywice 7ou inly Ljve 6wice 7You iOnly Ljive 6Twice Y7ou Oinly Lijve T6wice
jou Onnly L9ve gwice jYou Oly L9ive gTwice Yjou Olny Li9ve Tgwice tou Omly Llve rwice tYou Omnly Llive rTwice Ytou Onmly Lilve Trwice
Yoou Ohly Love Twwice Yu Ohnly Tice Yuo Onhly Liove Tiwce Yku Ojly Lkve Taice Ykou Ojnly Tawice Yoku Onjly Likve Twaice
Y9u Obly L8ve T3ice Y9ou Obnly L8ive T3wice Yo9u Onbly Li8ve Tw3ice Y0u Onlly Luve Tdice Y0ou Ony Luive Tdwice Yo0u Onyl Liuve Twdice
Ylu Onky Livve Teice Ylou Onkly Lie Tewice Yolu Onlky Liev Tweice Yiu Onoy Libe Tsice Yiou Onoly Libve Tswice Yoiu Onloy Livbe Twsice
Youu Onpy Lice T2ice Yo Onply Licve T2wice You Onlpy Livce Tw2ice Yoh Onlyy Lige Tqice Yohu Onl Ligve Tqwice Youh Only Livge Twqice
Yo7 Onlg Life Twiice Yo7u Onlgy Lifve Twce You7 Onlyg Livfe Twcie Yok Onlh Livee Twjce Onlhy Liv Twjice Youk Onlyh Live Twijce
Yoi Onl6 Livs Tw9ce

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