Black Oak Arkansas
No One And The Sun

In the nighttimes,
days don't seem too long,
happiness is fading into dawn.

No one sees it, such simplicity,
no one sees it but me.

In the afternoons I sometimes see,
images of suns that wait for me.

No one sees it, such simplicity,
no one sees it but me.

But every sun that shines its light,
it shines its light for me,
and every morning sun will break,
lookin' to the sea.
And every day the sun will stay,
until it has to leave me
when there comes an evenin'

In the evenings,

leaves are folding in,
and we wonder where the time has been.

No one sees it, such simplicity,
no one sees it but me.

But every mornin' sun that shines,
it shines its light for me,
and every rainbow on its rays,
ready to be free.

And every day the sun will stay,
till it has to leave me.

When there comes, yeah, the evenin' ,
yeah, oh, the evenin' has come and gone my friend.

Mirror lyrics:

yeah, oh, the evenin' has come and gone my friend.
When there comes, yeah, the evenin' ,

till it has to leave me.
And every day the sun will stay,

ready to be free.
and every rainbow on its rays,
it shines its light for me,
But every mornin' sun that shines,

no one sees it but me.
No one sees it, such simplicity,

and we wonder where the time has been.
leaves are folding in,

In the evenings,

when there comes an evenin'
until it has to leave me
And every day the sun will stay,
lookin' to the sea.
and every morning sun will break,
it shines its light for me,
But every sun that shines its light,

no one sees it but me.
No one sees it, such simplicity,

images of suns that wait for me.
In the afternoons I sometimes see,

no one sees it but me.
No one sees it, such simplicity,

happiness is fading into dawn.
days don't seem too long,
In the nighttimes,

Relevant Tags:
NNo OOne AAnd TThe SSun o ne nd he un oN nOe nAd hTe uSn mo kne znd fhe zun mNo kOne zAnd fThe zSun Nmo Okne Aznd Tfhe Szun
ho 9ne qnd 5he wun hNo 9One qAnd 5The wSun Nho O9ne Aqnd T5he Swun jo 0ne snd hhe dun jNo 0One sAnd hThe dSun Njo O0ne Asnd Thhe Sdun
bo lne wnd yhe eun bNo lOne wAnd yThe eSun Nbo Olne Awnd Tyhe Seun Noo ine xnd 6he xun N iOne xAnd 6The xSun No Oine Axnd T6he Sxun
Nk Onne Annd ghe aun Nko Oe Ad gThe aSun Nok Oen Adn Tghe Saun N9 Ome Amd rhe Suun N9o Omne Amnd rThe Sn No9 Onme Anmd Trhe Snu
N0 Ohe Ahd Shn N0o Ohne Ahnd Te Shun No0 Onhe Anhd Teh Suhn Nl Oje Ajd Tje S7n Nlo Ojne Ajnd Tjhe S7un Nol Onje Anjd Thje Su7n
Ni Obe Abd Tue Skn Nio Obne Abnd Tuhe Skun Noi Onbe Anbd Thue Sukn

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