Black 'n Blue
"i Want It All

I think about wasted time
Hours on end, losin' my mind for you, oh yeah
I think about a love that's lost, take my money
What does it cost to lose you, oh, yeah honey

I think about a rocket ship
Tie you on, send you on a trip it's true, oh yeah
'Cause I think about all my time
Spent on tryin' to make you mine
I'm through, I'm through, oh yeah

Day in, day out
Gotta let go, gotta let it out
I want it all
(I want it all)
And I want it now
(I want it now)

All day, all night
Gotta fill up my appetite
'Cause I want it all
(I want it all)
And I want it now
(I want it now)

I think about pleasure and pain
Tryin' to keep my brain from tearin' in two, oh yeah
I think about wasted time
Hours on end, losin' my mind for you, for you, oh yeah

Day in, day out
Gotta let go, gotta let it out
I want it all
(I want it all)
And I want it now
(I want it now)

All day, all night
Gotta fill up my appetite
'Cause I want it all
(I want it all)
And I want it now, yeah
(I want it now)

Day in, day out
Gotta let go, gotta let it out
I want it all
(I want it all)
And I want it now
(I want it now)

All day, all night
Gotta fill up my appetite
'Cause I want it all
(I want it all)
And I want it now, yeah
(I want it now)

I want it all, I want it now
I want it all, I want it now

Mirror lyrics:

I want it all, I want it now
I want it all, I want it now

(I want it now)
And I want it now, yeah
(I want it all)
'Cause I want it all
Gotta fill up my appetite
All day, all night

(I want it now)
And I want it now
(I want it all)
I want it all
Gotta let go, gotta let it out
Day in, day out

(I want it now)
And I want it now, yeah
(I want it all)
'Cause I want it all
Gotta fill up my appetite
All day, all night

(I want it now)
And I want it now
(I want it all)
I want it all
Gotta let go, gotta let it out
Day in, day out

Hours on end, losin' my mind for you, for you, oh yeah
I think about wasted time
Tryin' to keep my brain from tearin' in two, oh yeah
I think about pleasure and pain

(I want it now)
And I want it now
(I want it all)
'Cause I want it all
Gotta fill up my appetite
All day, all night

(I want it now)
And I want it now
(I want it all)
I want it all
Gotta let go, gotta let it out
Day in, day out

I'm through, I'm through, oh yeah
Spent on tryin' to make you mine
'Cause I think about all my time
Tie you on, send you on a trip it's true, oh yeah
I think about a rocket ship

What does it cost to lose you, oh, yeah honey
I think about a love that's lost, take my money
Hours on end, losin' my mind for you, oh yeah
I think about wasted time

Relevant Tags:
&"i WWant IIt AAll quot;i ant t ll q&uot;i aWnt tI lAl &qquot;i aant jt zll &uot;i aWant jIt zAll &uqot;i Waant Ijt Azll
&auot;i 3ant 9t qll &aquot;i 3Want 9It qAll &qauot;i W3ant I9t Aqll &2uot;i dant lt sll &2quot;i dWant lIt sAll &q2uot;i Wdant Ilt Asll
&wuot;i eant ot wll &wquot;i eWant oIt wAll &qwuot;i Weant Iot Awll &suot;i sant kt xll &squot;i sWant kIt xAll &qsuot;i Wsant Ikt Axll
&1uot;i 2ant 8t Alll &1quot;i 2Want 8It Al &q1uot;i W2ant I8t All &quuot;i qant ut Akl &qot;i qWant uIt Akll &qout;i Wqant Iut Alkl
&qhot;i Itt Aol &qhuot;i Wnt I Aoll &quhot;i Wnat It Alol &q7ot;i Wznt If Apl &q7uot;i Wzant Ift Apll &qu7ot;i Waznt Itf Alpl
&qkot;i Wqnt I5 &qkuot;i I5t &qukot;i Waqnt It5 &qiot;i Wsnt Ih Alk &qiuot;i Iht &quiot;i Wasnt Ith Allk
&q8ot;i Wwnt Iy Alo &q8uot;i Wwant Iyt &qu8ot;i Wawnt Ity Allo &qjot;i Wxnt I6 Alp &qjuot;i Wxant I6t &qujot;i Waxnt It6 Allp
&qyot;i Wannt Ig &qyuot;i Wat Igt &quyot;i Watn Itg &quoot;i Wamt Ir &qut;i Wamnt Irt &quto;i Wanmt Itr
&qukt;i Waht Wahnt &quokt;i Wanht &qu9t;i Wajt &qu9ot;i Wajnt &quo9t;i Wanjt
&qu0t;i Wabt &qu0ot;i Wabnt

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