Black Market Farts
Out Of Breath

Pitchers pitching
Sometimes miss
And then is when I score my kiss
Batters batting
May get hit
He's out of breath, by the catcher's mitt

Gasp, sigh
Sometimes I wish
Sometimes I cry
Sometimes I say his name a billion times
Sometimes I try to run and hide
Is only God on my side?

Smile, frown
Looking down
Averting eyes
Then staring back, try as i might
To keep his beautiful face in sight
Does only God aid my fight?


Gather strength
To do the plain
Then with courage
I cheer his name
Looks up at bat, and with a smile
Returns my favor by a mile

Turns back to the pitcher
And gets ready to hit

Yells, pain
Terror, strain
No fans from the stands to aid
CPR, I know, I can try
There's no one to do it but I
Entire team counting on me
To kiss this boy and let him breath


Later date,
Hospital wait
He's alright, he's OK
My kiss saved him, and the day
I now have fans of my own
Never again will I be alone

Calls me it......?
Yes, a private visit....
"Come closer" he whispers
Our 2nd kiss occured
But this time he was awake in this world


Mirror lyrics:


But this time he was awake in this world
Our 2nd kiss occured
"Come closer" he whispers
Yes, a private visit....
Calls me it......?

Never again will I be alone
I now have fans of my own
My kiss saved him, and the day
He's alright, he's OK
Hospital wait
Later date,


To kiss this boy and let him breath
Entire team counting on me
There's no one to do it but I
CPR, I know, I can try
No fans from the stands to aid
Terror, strain
Yells, pain

And gets ready to hit
Turns back to the pitcher

Returns my favor by a mile
Looks up at bat, and with a smile
I cheer his name
Then with courage
To do the plain
Gather strength


Does only God aid my fight?
To keep his beautiful face in sight
Then staring back, try as i might
Averting eyes
Looking down
Smile, frown

Is only God on my side?
Sometimes I try to run and hide
Sometimes I say his name a billion times
Sometimes I cry
Sometimes I wish
Gasp, sigh

He's out of breath, by the catcher's mitt
May get hit
Batters batting
And then is when I score my kiss
Sometimes miss
Pitchers pitching

Relevant Tags:
OOut OOf BBreath ut f reath uOt fO rBeath kut kf vreath kOut kOf vBreath Okut Okf Bvreath 9ut 9f greath 9Out 9Of gBreath O9ut O9f Bgreath
0ut 0f nreath 0Out 0Of nBreath O0ut O0f Bnreath lut lf hreath lOut lOf hBreath Olut Olf Bhreath iut if Brreath iOut iOf Beath Oiut Oif Berath
Ouut Off Bdeath Ot O Bdreath Otu Of Brdeath Oht Oc B4eath Ohut Ocf B4reath Ouht Ofc Br4eath O7t Or Bgeath O7ut Orf Ou7t Ofr Brgeath
Okt Og Bteath Ogf Btreath Oukt Ofg Brteath Oit Ot B5eath Otf B5reath Ouit Oft Br5eath O8t Ov Bfeath O8ut Ovf Bfreath Ou8t Ofv Brfeath
Ojt Od Beeath Ojut Odf Bereath Oujt Ofd Breeath Oyt Oyut Brath Ouyt Braeth Outt Brsath Ou Brseath Out Bresath
Ouf Br3ath Ouft Br3eath Outf Bre3ath Ou5 Brfath Ou5t Out5 Brefath Ouh Brrath Outh Brerath Ouy Br4ath
Outy Bre4ath Ou6 Brdath

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