Black Lips

If I had all my karma and it all came back to me
then I'll have it like a boomerang
Thrown farther than eyes could see
If I had it like a boomerang
Thrown farther than eyes could see
Id have all my karma coming back to me

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Back to me
Back to me

If I had all my problems and they all came back to me
then I'll have it like a boomerang
Thrown farther than eyes could see
If I had it like a boomerang
Thrown farther than eyes could see
Id have all my karma coming back to me

Back to me
Back to me
Back to me

Mirror lyrics:

Back to me
Back to me
Back to me

Id have all my karma coming back to me
Thrown farther than eyes could see
If I had it like a boomerang
Thrown farther than eyes could see
then I'll have it like a boomerang
If I had all my problems and they all came back to me

Back to me
Back to me
Back to me

Id have all my karma coming back to me
Thrown farther than eyes could see
If I had it like a boomerang
Thrown farther than eyes could see
then I'll have it like a boomerang
If I had all my karma and it all came back to me

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