Black Label Society
Refuse To Bow Down

"Women are born with a very dark side
That men do not understand
And they don't understand
And Women need to be loved
The way Adam shoulda loved Eve
Women have a certain weakness
And a certain unholyiness too."
What have you done? Where have you been?
Lord of the hand-outs?
Pushed once again, Always wants again
Always wants again, Always wants
Refuse to bow down, Refuse to bleed
Eternal illusion, Ain't no one can see
Refuse to bow down, Refuse to bleed
Eternal illusion, Ain't no one can see
Ain't no time to rest, Got my pedal to the floor,
Aint no end in sight, Rebel wanting more
Rebel wanting more, Rebel wanting more
Rebel wanting, Refuse to bow down, Refuse to bleed
Eternal illusion, Ain't no one can see
Refuse to bow down, Refuse to bleed
Eternal illusion, Ain't no one can see
Refuse to bow down, Refuse to bleed
Eternal illusion, Ain't no one can see
Refuse to bow down, Refuse to bleed
Eternal illusion, Ain't no one can see
Refuse to bow down, Refuse to bleed
Eternal illusion, Ain't no one can see
Refuse to bow down, Refuse to bleed
Eternal illusion, Ain't no one can see

Mirror lyrics:

Eternal illusion, Ain't no one can see
Refuse to bow down, Refuse to bleed
Eternal illusion, Ain't no one can see
Refuse to bow down, Refuse to bleed
Eternal illusion, Ain't no one can see
Refuse to bow down, Refuse to bleed
Eternal illusion, Ain't no one can see
Refuse to bow down, Refuse to bleed
Eternal illusion, Ain't no one can see
Refuse to bow down, Refuse to bleed
Eternal illusion, Ain't no one can see
Rebel wanting, Refuse to bow down, Refuse to bleed
Rebel wanting more, Rebel wanting more
Aint no end in sight, Rebel wanting more
Ain't no time to rest, Got my pedal to the floor,
Eternal illusion, Ain't no one can see
Refuse to bow down, Refuse to bleed
Eternal illusion, Ain't no one can see
Refuse to bow down, Refuse to bleed
Always wants again, Always wants
Pushed once again, Always wants again
Lord of the hand-outs?
What have you done? Where have you been?
And a certain unholyiness too."
Women have a certain weakness
The way Adam shoulda loved Eve
And Women need to be loved
And they don't understand
That men do not understand
"Women are born with a very dark side

Relevant Tags:
RRefuse TTo BBow DDown efuse o ow own eRfuse oT oBw oDwn defuse fo vow xown dRefuse fTo vBow xDown Rdefuse Tfo Bvow Dxown
4efuse 5o gow eown 4Refuse 5To gBow eDown R4efuse T5o Bgow Deown gefuse ho now fown gRefuse hTo nBow fDown Rgefuse Tho Bnow Dfown
tefuse yo how rown tRefuse yTo hBow rDown Rtefuse Tyo Bhow Drown 5efuse 6o Boow cown 5Refuse 6To Bw cDown R5efuse T6o Bwo Dcown
fefuse go Bkw sown fRefuse gTo Bkow sDown Rfefuse Tgo Bokw Dsown eefuse ro B9w Doown eRefuse rTo B9ow Dwn Reefuse Tro Bo9w Dwon
Too B0w Dkwn Rfuse T B0ow Dkown Rfeuse To Bo0w Dokwn Rsfuse Tk Blw D9wn Rsefuse Tko Blow D9own Resfuse Tok Bolw Do9wn
R3fuse T9 Biw D0wn R3efuse T9o Biow D0own Re3fuse To9 Boiw Do0wn Rffuse T0 Boww Dlwn T0o Bo Dlown Reffuse To0 Bow Dolwn
Rrfuse Tl Boa Diwn Rrefuse Tlo Boaw Diown Rerfuse Tol Bowa Doiwn R4fuse Ti Bo3 Dowwn Tio Bo3w Don Re4fuse Toi Bow3 Donw
Rdfuse Bod Doan Bodw Doawn Redfuse Bowd Dowan Rwfuse Boe Do3n Rwefuse Boew Do3wn Rewfuse Bowe Dow3n
Bos Dodn Reuse Bosw Dodwn Reufse Bows Dowdn Recuse Bo2 Doen Recfuse Bo2w Doewn Refcuse Bow2 Dowen
Reruse Boq Dosn Boqw Doswn Refruse Bowq Dowsn Reguse Do2n Regfuse Do2wn Refguse Dow2n
Retuse Doqn Retfuse Doqwn Reftuse Dowqn Revuse Downn

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