Bette Midler
In These Shoes

"Gentlemen, gentlemen please! Señors, por favor!"

I once met a man with a sense of adventure.
He was dressed to thrill wherever he went.
He said, "Let's make love on a mountaintop,
under the stars on a big hard rock."

I said, "In these shoes? What is this, the Peace Corps?"
I said, "Honey, let's do it here."

So we're sittin' at a bar in Guadalajara,
in walks a guy with a faraway look in his eyes.
He says, "I've got a powerful horse outside.
Climb on the back, I'll take you for a ride.
I know a little place we can get before the break of day."

I said, "In these shoes? No way, Jose!"
I said, "Honey, let's stay right here."

No le gusta caminar.
No puede montar a cabailo.
¿Como se puede bailar?
Es un escandalo!

Then I met an Englishman.
"Oh," he said, "Are you American?
Won't you walk up and down on my spine?
It makes me feel strangely alive."

I said, "In these shoes? Oh, I doubt you'd survive."
I said, "Honey . . . let's do it . . . hehehehe"

"Let's stay right here."

No le gusta caminar.
No puede montar a cabailo.
¿Como se puede bailar?
Es un escandalo!

No le gusta caminar.
No puede montar a cabailo.
¿Como se puede bailar?
Es un escandalo!

No le gusta caminar.
No puede montar a cabailo.
¿Como se puede bailar?
Es un escandalo!

No le gusta caminar.
No puede montar a cabailo.
¿Como se puede bailar?

Mirror lyrics:

¿Como se puede bailar?
No puede montar a cabailo.
No le gusta caminar.

Es un escandalo!
¿Como se puede bailar?
No puede montar a cabailo.
No le gusta caminar.

Es un escandalo!
¿Como se puede bailar?
No puede montar a cabailo.
No le gusta caminar.

Es un escandalo!
¿Como se puede bailar?
No puede montar a cabailo.
No le gusta caminar.

"Let's stay right here."

I said, "Honey . . . let's do it . . . hehehehe"
I said, "In these shoes? Oh, I doubt you'd survive."

It makes me feel strangely alive."
Won't you walk up and down on my spine?
"Oh," he said, "Are you American?
Then I met an Englishman.

Es un escandalo!
¿Como se puede bailar?
No puede montar a cabailo.
No le gusta caminar.

I said, "Honey, let's stay right here."
I said, "In these shoes? No way, Jose!"

I know a little place we can get before the break of day."
Climb on the back, I'll take you for a ride.
He says, "I've got a powerful horse outside.
in walks a guy with a faraway look in his eyes.
So we're sittin' at a bar in Guadalajara,

I said, "Honey, let's do it here."
I said, "In these shoes? What is this, the Peace Corps?"

under the stars on a big hard rock."
He said, "Let's make love on a mountaintop,
He was dressed to thrill wherever he went.
I once met a man with a sense of adventure.

"Gentlemen, gentlemen please! Señors, por favor!"

Relevant Tags:
IIn TThese SShoes n hese hoes nI hTese hSoes jn fhese zhoes jIn fThese zShoes Ijn Tfhese Szhoes 9n 5hese whoes 9In 5These wShoes
I9n T5hese Swhoes ln hhese dhoes lIn hThese dShoes Iln Thhese Sdhoes on yhese ehoes oIn yThese eShoes Ion Tyhese Sehoes kn 6hese xhoes
kIn 6These xShoes Ikn T6hese Sxhoes 8n ghese ahoes 8In gThese aShoes I8n Tghese Sahoes un rhese Shhoes uIn rThese Soes Iun Trhese Sohes
Inn Sjoes I Tese Sjhoes In Tehse Shjoes Im Tjese Suoes Imn Tjhese Suhoes Inm Thjese Shuoes Ih Tuese Snoes Ihn Tuhese Snhoes
Inh Thuese Shnoes Ij Tnese Sboes Tnhese Sbhoes Inj Thnese Shboes Ib Tbese Sgoes Ibn Tbhese Sghoes Inb Thbese Shgoes Tgese Syoes
Syhoes Thgese Shyoes Tyese Shooes Shes Thyese Sheos Theese Shkes Thse Shkoes Thsee Shokes
Thsse Sh9es Thsese Sh9oes Thesse Sho9es Th3se Sh0es

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