Bette Midler
From A Distance (christmas Version)

From a distance
The world looks blue and green
And the snow-capped mountains white
From a distance
The ocean meets the stream
And the eagle takes to flight

From a distance
There is harmony
And it echoes through the land
And it's the voice of hope
And it's the voice of peace
It's the voice of every man

From a distance
The world sings 'Silent Night'
Like a soft embracing psalm
From a distance (From a distance)
The words sound sweet and clear
And all is bright and calm
From a distance
We are instruments
Marching in a common band
Playing songs of hope
Playing songs of peace
They're the songs of every man

God is watching us (God is watching)
God is watching us (I know he's watching)
God is watching us
From a distance

In excelsis deo

From a distance
You, you look like my friend
Even though we are at war
From a distance
I just I cannot comprehend
What all this fighting's for
From a distance
There is harmony
Do you hear it echo
The land
It's the song of joy
It's the song of peace
It's the heart of every man
In the season of
Universal love
This is the song of every man

Chorus (2x)

Oh come let us adore him
Joy to the world

Mirror lyrics:

Joy to the world
Oh come let us adore him

Chorus (2x)

This is the song of every man
Universal love
In the season of
It's the heart of every man
It's the song of peace
It's the song of joy
The land
Do you hear it echo
There is harmony
From a distance
What all this fighting's for
I just I cannot comprehend
From a distance
Even though we are at war
You, you look like my friend
From a distance

In excelsis deo

From a distance
God is watching us
God is watching us (I know he's watching)
God is watching us (God is watching)

They're the songs of every man
Playing songs of peace
Playing songs of hope
Marching in a common band
We are instruments
From a distance
And all is bright and calm
The words sound sweet and clear
From a distance (From a distance)
Like a soft embracing psalm
The world sings 'Silent Night'
From a distance

It's the voice of every man
And it's the voice of peace
And it's the voice of hope
And it echoes through the land
There is harmony
From a distance

And the eagle takes to flight
The ocean meets the stream
From a distance
And the snow-capped mountains white
The world looks blue and green
From a distance

Relevant Tags:
FFrom AA DDistance ((christmas VVersion) rom istance christmas ersion) rFom A iDstance c(hristmas eVrsion) crom z xistance (cchristmas bersion) cFrom zA xDistance (hristmas bVersion)
Fcrom Az Dxistance (hcristmas Vbersion) rrom q eistance (fhristmas cersion) rFrom qA eDistance (fchristmas cVersion) Frrom Aq Deistance (cfhristmas Vcersion) grom s fistance (xhristmas gersion)
gFrom sA fDistance (xchristmas gVersion) Fgrom As Dfistance (cxhristmas Vgersion) trom w ristance (vhristmas fersion) tFrom wA rDistance (vchristmas fVersion) Ftrom Aw Dristance (cvhristmas Vfersion)
vrom x cistance (dhristmas Veersion) vFrom xA cDistance (dchristmas Vrsion) Fvrom Ax Dcistance (cdhristmas Vresion) drom sistance (chhristmas Vsrsion) dFrom sDistance (cristmas Vsersion)
Fdrom Dsistance (crhistmas Vesrsion) Diistance (cjristmas V3rsion) Fom Dstance (cjhristmas V3ersion) Form Dsitance (chjristmas Ve3rsion) Fdom Djstance (curistmas Vfrsion)
Djistance (cuhristmas Frdom Dijstance (churistmas Vefrsion) F4om D9stance (cnristmas Vrrsion) F4rom D9istance (cnhristmas Vrersion) Fr4om Di9stance (chnristmas Verrsion)
Fgom Dlstance (cbristmas V4rsion) Dlistance (cbhristmas V4ersion) Frgom Dilstance (chbristmas Ve4rsion) Ftom Dostance (cgristmas Vdrsion) Doistance (cghristmas Vdersion)
Frtom Diostance (chgristmas Vedrsion) F5om Dkstance (cyristmas Vwrsion) F5rom Dkistance (cyhristmas Vwersion) Fr5om Dikstance (chyristmas Vewrsion) Ffom D8stance (chrristmas
Ffrom D8istance (chistmas Vesion) Frfom Di8stance (chirstmas Vesrion) Feom Dustance (chdistmas Vedsion) Ferom Duistance (chdristmas Freom Diustance (chrdistmas Verdsion)
Froom Disstance (ch4istmas Ve4sion) Frm Ditance (ch4ristmas Frmo Ditsance (chr4istmas Ver4sion) Frkm Diztance (chgistmas Vegsion) Frkom Dizstance Vegrsion)
Frokm Disztance (chrgistmas Vergsion) Fr9m Diwtance (chtistmas Vetsion) Fr9om Diwstance (chtristmas Vetrsion) Fro9m Diswtance (chrtistmas Vertsion) Fr0m Didtance (ch5istmas Ve5sion)
Fr0om Didstance (ch5ristmas Ve5rsion) Fro0m Disdtance (chr5istmas Ver5sion) Frlm Dietance (chfistmas Vefsion) Frlom Diestance (chfristmas Frolm Disetance (chrfistmas Verfsion)
Frim Dixtance (cheistmas Veesion) Friom Dixstance (cheristmas Froim Disxtance (chreistmas Veresion) Fromm Diatance (chriistmas Verssion) Fro Diastance (chrstmas Verion)
From Disatance (chrsitmas Verison) Froj Disttance (chrjstmas Verzion) Frojm Disance (chrjistmas Verzsion) Fromj Disatnce (chrijstmas Verszion) Frok Disfance (chr9stmas Verwion)
Disftance (chr9istmas Verwsion) Fromk Distfance (chri9stmas Verswion) Fron Dis5ance (chrlstmas Verdion) Fronm Dis5tance (chrlistmas Fromn Dist5ance (chrilstmas Versdion)
Dishance (chrostmas Vereion) Dishtance (chroistmas Disthance (chriostmas Verseion) Disyance (chrkstmas Verxion) Disytance (chrkistmas Verxsion)
Distyance (chrikstmas Versxion) Dis6ance (chr8stmas Veraion) Dis6tance (chr8istmas Verasion) Dist6ance (chri8stmas Versaion) Disgance (chrustmas Versiion)
Disgtance (chruistmas Verson) Distgance (chriustmas Versoin) Disrance (chrisstmas Versjon) Disrtance (chritmas Versjion)

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