Bette Midler
Buckets Of Rain

Bette: Ohh-oh, Ohh-oh, ah
Sing to me baby, baby.
Buckets, nuggets of rain.

Bette & Bob: Nuggets of rain,
nuggets of tears.
Got all the nuggets
comin' out of my ears.
Nuggets of moonbeams
in my hand.
You got all the love,
honey baby, I can stand.

I been down, high like an oak.
I've seen pretty people
disappear like smoke.
Friends will arrive,
friends will disappear.
You want me,
honey baby, I'll be here.

Bette: Oh-oh, I'll be here.
Sing to me baby, baby, baby.
Buckets of rain.

Bette & Bob: I like your smile
and your fingertips.
I like the way that you move your lips.
I like that heavenly way
you look at me.
Everything about you is bringing me ecstasy.

Little red wagon,
little red bike.
I ain't no monkey
but I know what I like.
I like the way you monkey around.
Stick with me baby
and we'll never be found.

Life is heavy
and life is sad.
Life is a bust
when you think you've been had.
You lose, you must do
and you do it bad.
I do it for you,
honey baby, ain't you glad?

Bette: Oh, Oh-oh, oh-oh-oh, ooooh.
Bobby, Bobby,
hey there Mister D,
you set me free. Yeah.
I don't believe I really said that.

Bob: "Hum, meany."
Bette: "Oooh, you don't even know. You have no idea."
Bob: "I don't want to know . . . . .You and Paul Simon should have done this one."

Mirror lyrics:

Bob: "I don't want to know . . . . .You and Paul Simon should have done this one."
Bette: "Oooh, you don't even know. You have no idea."
Bob: "Hum, meany."

I don't believe I really said that.
you set me free. Yeah.
hey there Mister D,
Bobby, Bobby,
Bette: Oh, Oh-oh, oh-oh-oh, ooooh.

honey baby, ain't you glad?
I do it for you,
and you do it bad.
You lose, you must do
when you think you've been had.
Life is a bust
and life is sad.
Life is heavy

and we'll never be found.
Stick with me baby
I like the way you monkey around.
but I know what I like.
I ain't no monkey
little red bike.
Little red wagon,

Everything about you is bringing me ecstasy.
you look at me.
I like that heavenly way
I like the way that you move your lips.
and your fingertips.
Bette & Bob: I like your smile

Buckets of rain.
Sing to me baby, baby, baby.
Bette: Oh-oh, I'll be here.

honey baby, I'll be here.
You want me,
friends will disappear.
Friends will arrive,
disappear like smoke.
I've seen pretty people
I been down, high like an oak.

honey baby, I can stand.
You got all the love,
in my hand.
Nuggets of moonbeams
comin' out of my ears.
Got all the nuggets
nuggets of tears.
Bette & Bob: Nuggets of rain,

Buckets, nuggets of rain.
Sing to me baby, baby.
Bette: Ohh-oh, Ohh-oh, ah

Relevant Tags:
BBuckets OOf RRain uckets f ain uBckets fO aRin vuckets kf dain vBuckets kOf dRain Bvuckets Okf Rdain guckets 9f 4ain
gBuckets 9Of 4Rain Bguckets O9f R4ain nuckets 0f gain nBuckets 0Of gRain Bnuckets O0f Rgain huckets lf tain hBuckets lOf tRain
Bhuckets Olf Rtain Buuckets if 5ain Bckets iOf 5Rain Bcukets Oif R5ain Bhckets Off fain O fRain Buhckets Of Rfain
B7ckets Oc eain B7uckets Ocf eRain Bu7ckets Ofc Reain Bkckets Or Raain Bkuckets Orf Rin Bukckets Ofr Rian Bickets Og Rzin
Biuckets Ogf Rzain Buickets Ofg Razin B8ckets Ot Rqin B8uckets Otf Rqain Bu8ckets Oft Raqin Bjckets Ov Rsin Bjuckets Ovf Rsain
Bujckets Ofv Rasin Byckets Od Rwin Byuckets Odf Rwain Buyckets Ofd Rawin Bucckets Rxin Bukets Rxain Bukcets Raxin
Bufkets Raiin Bufckets Ran Bucfkets Rani Buxkets Rajn Buxckets Rajin Bucxkets Raijn Buvkets Ra9n
Buvckets Ra9in Bucvkets Rai9n Budkets Raln Budckets Ralin Bucdkets Railn Buckkets Raon Bucets Raoin
Bucekts Raion Buclets Rakn Buclkets Rakin Bucklets Raikn Bucoets Ra8n Bucokets Ra8in Buckoets Rai8n
Bucmets Raun Bucmkets Rauin Buckmets Raiun Bucjets Rainn Bucjkets Rai Buckjets Rain

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