Brief Is The Flame

Travelling this strange and dark dimension
Awakened by the powers of the night
On insanity's path I saw redemption
Now I only see with the moon's eye
Brief is the flame
Burning bright for a moment
And then never to be seen again
All my life I lived in the night
I found comfort out there
All my life I lived in the night
I thought I had nothing to fear
As I gaze into the night
I see two figures sublime
As I gaze into the night
I die a second time
For a moment I stepped into the moonlight
At last... I behold my nemesis
The two cursed figures dissapearing once again
The shadowless vulture... the carcass of no hope
As I gaze into the night
Too late to realise
As I gaze into your eyes
All they told were lies
River cold, if I could be like you, flowing in the dark of the night
Black and lonely you are like my soul immortal
Without meaning, but in the great sea your journey ends
But even then you never die

Mirror lyrics:

But even then you never die
Without meaning, but in the great sea your journey ends
Black and lonely you are like my soul immortal
River cold, if I could be like you, flowing in the dark of the night
All they told were lies
As I gaze into your eyes
Too late to realise
As I gaze into the night
The shadowless vulture... the carcass of no hope
The two cursed figures dissapearing once again
At last... I behold my nemesis
For a moment I stepped into the moonlight
I die a second time
As I gaze into the night
I see two figures sublime
As I gaze into the night
I thought I had nothing to fear
All my life I lived in the night
I found comfort out there
All my life I lived in the night
And then never to be seen again
Burning bright for a moment
Brief is the flame
Now I only see with the moon's eye
On insanity's path I saw redemption
Awakened by the powers of the night
Travelling this strange and dark dimension

Relevant Tags:
BBrief IIs TThe FFlame rief s he lame rBief sI hTe lFame vrief js fhe clame vBrief jIs fThe cFlame Bvrief Ijs Tfhe Fclame
grief 9s 5he rlame gBrief 9Is 5The rFlame Bgrief I9s T5he Frlame nrief ls hhe glame nBrief lIs hThe gFlame Bnrief Ils Thhe Fglame
hrief os yhe tlame hBrief oIs yThe tFlame Bhrief Ios Tyhe Ftlame Brrief ks 6he vlame Bief kIs 6The vFlame Biref Iks T6he Fvlame
Bdief 8s ghe dlame Bdrief 8Is gThe dFlame Brdief I8s Tghe Fdlame B4ief us rhe Fllame B4rief uIs rThe Fame Br4ief Ius Trhe Falme
Bgief Iss Fkame I Te Fklame Brgief Is Teh Flkame Btief Iz Tje Foame Btrief Izs Tjhe Folame Brtief Isz Thje Floame
B5ief Iw Tue Fpame B5rief Iws Tuhe Fplame Br5ief Isw Thue Flpame Bfief Id Tne Flaame Bfrief Ids Tnhe Flme Brfief Isd Thne Flmae
Beief Ie Tbe Flzme Berief Ies Tbhe Flzame Breief Ise Thbe Flazme Briief Ix Tge Flqme Bref Ixs Flqame Breif Isx Thge Flaqme
Brjef Ia Tye Flsme Brjief Ias Flsame Brijef Isa Thye Flasme Br9ef Thee Flwme Br9ief Th Flwame Bri9ef The Flawme
Brlef Ths Flxme Brlief Thse Flxame Brilef Thes Flaxme Broef Th3 Flamme

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