Black Winter

I used to miss the cold winter-nights back then
I waited for the day to pass so you would come again
Remember how I fed you (those memories do stain) ?
I always gave you more even though nothing did remain
My world is black
Black fire burns the night
I greet the darkness
With wide open eyes
Cover me white, cold winter sky
Cover me white as I take off and fly
Cover me with your ice cold tears
Near you I possess no fear
I used to cry myself to sleep those nights so long ago
Both day and night I longed for you, I never could let go
But recently I realised that you were on your way
As frost did spread across the ground I knew you would come to stay
One last time I kiss the frozen ground
I wave goodbye to my fallen gown
Winter, winter... at last you have come to set my soul free
Black I was forever and will forever be
Embrace me, I will touch you, the wind my elegy
The children of the Great winter are mourning constantly

Mirror lyrics:

The children of the Great winter are mourning constantly
Embrace me, I will touch you, the wind my elegy
Black I was forever and will forever be
Winter, winter... at last you have come to set my soul free
I wave goodbye to my fallen gown
One last time I kiss the frozen ground
As frost did spread across the ground I knew you would come to stay
But recently I realised that you were on your way
Both day and night I longed for you, I never could let go
I used to cry myself to sleep those nights so long ago
Near you I possess no fear
Cover me with your ice cold tears
Cover me white as I take off and fly
Cover me white, cold winter sky
With wide open eyes
I greet the darkness
Black fire burns the night
My world is black
I always gave you more even though nothing did remain
Remember how I fed you (those memories do stain) ?
I waited for the day to pass so you would come again
I used to miss the cold winter-nights back then

Relevant Tags:
BBlack WWinter lack inter lBack iWnter vlack ainter vBlack aWinter Bvlack Wainter glack 3inter gBlack 3Winter Bglack W3inter
nlack dinter nBlack dWinter Bnlack Wdinter hlack einter hBlack eWinter Bhlack Weinter Bllack sinter Back sWinter Balck Wsinter
Bkack 2inter Bklack 2Winter Blkack W2inter Boack qinter Bolack qWinter Bloack Wqinter Bpack Wiinter Bplack Wnter Blpack Wniter
Blaack Wjnter Blck Wjinter Blcak Wijnter Blzck W9nter Blzack W9inter Blazck Wi9nter Blqck Wlnter Blqack Wlinter Blaqck Wilnter
Blsck Wonter Blsack Wointer Blasck Wionter Blwck Wknter Blwack Wkinter Blawck Wiknter Blxck W8nter Blxack W8inter Blaxck Wi8nter
Blacck Wunter Blak Wuinter Blakc Wiunter Blafk Winnter Blafck Witer Blacfk Witner Blaxk Wimter Wimnter Blacxk Winmter
Blavk Wihter Blavck Wihnter Blacvk Winhter Bladk Wijter Bladck Blacdk Winjter Blackk Wibter Blac Wibnter Black Winbter

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