Bethany Dillon
The Way I Come To You

Day turned to night
You breathed your last
Blood flowed from Your side
All of God in a young man
Who gave away His life

You loved me
When I was Your enemy
And You chose me
When I didn’t believe

You drank the cup that was all filled up....
With my punishment and shame....
From the garden to the empty tomb....
The way I come to You forever changed....

A crushing burden on our backs
The words hang in the air
“His blood be on us and our children”
Still, You forgave us there

Jesus, perfect through suffering....
Jesus, our merciful High Priest....
The weakness of God is mighty....
And the foolishness of His love has saved me....

Mirror lyrics:

And the foolishness of His love has saved me....
The weakness of God is mighty....
Jesus, our merciful High Priest....
Jesus, perfect through suffering....

Still, You forgave us there
“His blood be on us and our children”
The words hang in the air
A crushing burden on our backs

The way I come to You forever changed....
From the garden to the empty tomb....
With my punishment and shame....
You drank the cup that was all filled up....

When I didn’t believe
And You chose me
When I was Your enemy
You loved me

Who gave away His life
All of God in a young man
Blood flowed from Your side
You breathed your last
Day turned to night

Relevant Tags:
TThe WWay II CCome TTo YYou he ay ome o ou hTe aWy I oCme oT oYu fhe aay j fome fo gou fThe aWay jI fCome fTo gYou Tfhe Waay Ij Cfome Tfo Ygou
5he 3ay 9 xome 5o hou 5The 3Way 9I xCome 5To hYou T5he W3ay I9 Cxome T5o Yhou hhe day l vome ho 6ou hThe dWay lI vCome hTo 6You Thhe Wday Il Cvome Tho Y6ou
yhe eay o dome yo uou yThe eWay oI dCome yTo uYou Tyhe Weay Io Cdome Tyo Yuou 6he say k Coome 6o 7ou 6The sWay kI Cme 6To 7You T6he Wsay Ik Cmoe T6o Y7ou
ghe 2ay 8 Ckme go jou gThe 2Way 8I Ckome gTo jYou Tghe W2ay I8 Cokme Tgo Yjou rhe qay u C9me ro tou rThe qWay uI C9ome rTo tYou Trhe Wqay Iu Co9me Tro Ytou
C0me Too Yoou Te Wy C0ome T Yu Teh Wya Co0me To Yuo Tje Wzy Clme Tk Yku Tjhe Wzay Clome Tko Ykou Thje Wazy Colme Tok Yoku
Tue Wqy Cime T9 Y9u Tuhe Ciome T9o Y9ou Thue Waqy Coime To9 Yo9u Tne Wsy Comme T0 Y0u

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