Bette Midler
May We Entertain You

May we entertain you?

May we see you smile?

I will do some kicks

I will do some tricks

(Sing out, Louise, sing out)

I'll tell you a story

I'll dance when she's done

(You're behind, Louise, catch up baby, catch up)

By the time we're through entertaining you

You'll have a barrel of fun

Mirror lyrics:

You'll have a barrel of fun

By the time we're through entertaining you

(You're behind, Louise, catch up baby, catch up)

I'll dance when she's done

I'll tell you a story

(Sing out, Louise, sing out)

I will do some tricks

I will do some kicks

May we see you smile?

May we entertain you?

Relevant Tags:
MMay WWe EEntertain YYou ay e ntertain ou aMy eW nEtertain oYu jay ae sntertain gou jMay aWe sEntertain gYou Mjay Wae Esntertain Ygou
kay 3e 3ntertain hou kMay 3We 3Entertain hYou Mkay W3e E3ntertain Yhou nay de fntertain 6ou nMay dWe fEntertain 6You Mnay Wde Efntertain Y6ou
Maay ee rntertain uou My eWe rEntertain uYou Mya Wee Erntertain Yuou Mzy se 4ntertain 7ou Mzay sWe 4Entertain 7You Mazy Wse E4ntertain Y7ou
Mqy 2e dntertain jou Mqay 2We dEntertain jYou Maqy W2e Edntertain Yjou Msy qe wntertain tou Msay qWe wEntertain tYou Masy Wqe Ewntertain Ytou
Mwy Enntertain Yoou Mway W Etertain Yu Mawy We Etnertain Yuo Mxy Ws Emtertain Yku Mxay Emntertain Ykou Maxy Wes Enmtertain Yoku
Mayy W3 Ehtertain Y9u Ma Ehntertain Y9ou May We3 Enhtertain Yo9u Mag Wf Ejtertain Y0u Magy Wfe Ejntertain Y0ou Mayg Wef Enjtertain Yo0u
Mah Wr Ebtertain Ylu Mahy Wre Ebntertain Ylou Mayh Wer Enbtertain Yolu Ma6 W4 Enttertain Yiu Ma6y W4e Enertain Yiou May6 We4 Enetrtain Yoiu
Mau Wd Enfertain Youu Mauy Enftertain Yo Mayu Wed Entfertain You Ma7 Ww En5ertain Yoh Ma7y Wwe En5tertain Yohu May7 Wew Ent5ertain Youh
Maj Enhertain Yo7 Majy Yo7u Mayj Enthertain You7 Mat Enyertain Yok Maty Enytertain Mayt Entyertain Youk
En6ertain Yoi En6tertain Ent6ertain Youi Engertain Yo8 Engtertain Yo8u Entgertain You8
Enrertain Yoj Enrtertain Yoju Entrertain Youj Enteertain Yoy Entrtain Yoyu Entretain Youy
Entsrtain Entsertain Entesrtain Ent3rtain Ent3ertain Ente3rtain
Entfrtain Entefrtain Entrrtain Enterrtain Ent4rtain Ent4ertain
Ente4rtain Entdrtain Entdertain Entedrtain Entwrtain Entwertain
Entewrtain Entetain

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