Black Tide
Warriors Of Time

Woah Woah Woah
Woah Woah Woah

We are the ones
We are the Warriors
We are the ones who fight for our right
We fight alone and then we get what we want
We love our battle
And we would die for all cause

Woah Woah Woah

We are the Warriors of Time
We are the Warriors of Time
We are the Warriors of Time
We are the Warriors of Time

And we will fight (we will fight)
Till the day that we die
And we will live (we will live)
For the battle for the people
And they will tell (they will tell)
All the stories about the Warriors of Time

Woah Woah Woah

We are the Warriors of Time
We are the Warriors of Time
We are the Warriors of Time
We are the Warriors of Time

[Guitar Solo]

We are the Warriors of Time

[Guitar Solo Continues]

We are the Warriors of Time
(the Warriors of Time)
We are the Warriors of Time
(the Warriors of Time)
We are the Warriors of Time
(the Warriors of Time)
We are the Warriors of Time

[Guitar Solo]

The Warriors
(Woah Woah Woah)
(The Warriors)
The Warriors of Time

The Warriors
(Woah Woah Woah)
(The Warriors)
The Warriors of Time

The Warriors
(Woah Woah Woah)
(The Warriors)
The Warriors of Time

(Woah Woah Woah)
We are the Warriors of Time
We are the Warriors of Time (of Time)

Mirror lyrics:

We are the Warriors of Time (of Time)
We are the Warriors of Time
(Woah Woah Woah)

The Warriors of Time
(The Warriors)
(Woah Woah Woah)
The Warriors

The Warriors of Time
(The Warriors)
(Woah Woah Woah)
The Warriors

The Warriors of Time
(The Warriors)
(Woah Woah Woah)
The Warriors

[Guitar Solo]

We are the Warriors of Time
(the Warriors of Time)
We are the Warriors of Time
(the Warriors of Time)
We are the Warriors of Time
(the Warriors of Time)
We are the Warriors of Time

[Guitar Solo Continues]

We are the Warriors of Time

[Guitar Solo]

We are the Warriors of Time
We are the Warriors of Time
We are the Warriors of Time
We are the Warriors of Time

Woah Woah Woah

All the stories about the Warriors of Time
And they will tell (they will tell)
For the battle for the people
And we will live (we will live)
Till the day that we die
And we will fight (we will fight)

We are the Warriors of Time
We are the Warriors of Time
We are the Warriors of Time
We are the Warriors of Time

Woah Woah Woah

And we would die for all cause
We love our battle
We fight alone and then we get what we want
We are the ones who fight for our right
We are the Warriors
We are the ones

Woah Woah Woah
Woah Woah Woah

Relevant Tags:
WWarriors OOf TTime arriors f ime aWrriors fO iTme aarriors kf fime aWarriors kOf fTime Waarriors Okf Tfime 3arriors 9f 5ime
3Warriors 9Of 5Time W3arriors O9f T5ime darriors 0f hime dWarriors 0Of hTime Wdarriors O0f Thime earriors lf yime eWarriors lOf yTime
Wearriors Olf Tyime sarriors if 6ime sWarriors iOf 6Time Wsarriors Oif T6ime 2arriors Off gime 2Warriors O gTime W2arriors Of Tgime
qarriors Oc rime qWarriors Ocf rTime Wqarriors Ofc Trime Or Tiime Wrriors Orf Tme Wrariors Ofr Tmie Wzrriors Og Tjme
Wzarriors Ogf Tjime Wazrriors Ofg Tijme Wqrriors Ot T9me Otf T9ime Waqrriors Oft Ti9me Wsrriors Ov Tlme Ovf Tlime
Wasrriors Ofv Tilme Wwrriors Od Tome Wwarriors Odf Toime Wawrriors Ofd Tiome Wxrriors Tkme Wxarriors Tkime Waxrriors Tikme
Warrriors T8me Wariors T8ime Warriors Ti8me Wadriors Tume Wadrriors Tuime Wardriors Tiume Wa4riors Timme
Wa4rriors Tie War4riors Tiem Wagriors Tije Wagrriors Wargriors Timje Watriors Tike Watrriors
Wartriors Timke Wa5riors Tine Wa5rriors Tinme War5riors Timne Wafriors Timee Wafrriors Tim Warfriors Time
Waeriors Tims Waerriors Timse Wareriors Times Tim3 Tim3e Warirors Time3 Wardiors Timf
Timfe Warrdiors Timef War4iors Timr Timre Warr4iors Timer Wargiors Tim4 Tim4e
Warrgiors Time4 Wartiors Timd

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