Black Train Jack
Guy Like Me

When I saw her, she looked so good
I wanted her to be with me and if I asked
I thought she would
She didn't feel the same
She had her own life to lead
What the hell could I have been thinking
That she would be with a guy like me
Guy like me
I fell in love once
I just never knew the deal
I'll never love again and be the fool

To something I thought was real
She didn't feel the same
She's got her own life to lead
What the hell could I have been thinking
That she would be with a guy like me
Guy like me
Once I thought, that everything was cool
But like every guy in love
She plyed me for the fool

Mirror lyrics:

She plyed me for the fool
But like every guy in love
Once I thought, that everything was cool
Guy like me
That she would be with a guy like me
What the hell could I have been thinking
She's got her own life to lead
She didn't feel the same
To something I thought was real

I'll never love again and be the fool
I just never knew the deal
I fell in love once
Guy like me
That she would be with a guy like me
What the hell could I have been thinking
She had her own life to lead
She didn't feel the same
I thought she would
I wanted her to be with me and if I asked
When I saw her, she looked so good

Relevant Tags:
GGuy LLike MMe uy ike e uGy iLke eM huy kike je hGuy kLike jMe Ghuy Lkike Mje yuy oike ke yGuy oLike kMe Gyuy Loike Mke buy pike ne
bGuy pLike nMe Gbuy Lpike Mne vuy Liike Mee vGuy Lke M Gvuy Lkie Me fuy Ljke Ms fGuy Ljike Mse Gfuy Lijke Mes tuy L9ke M3 tGuy L9ike M3e
Gtuy Li9ke Me3 Guuy Llke Mf Gy Llike Mfe Gyu Lilke Mef Ghy Loke Mr Mre Guhy Lioke Mer G7y Lkke M4 G7uy M4e Gu7y Likke Me4
Gky L8ke Md Gkuy L8ike Mde Guky Li8ke Med Giy Luke Mw Giuy Luike Mwe Guiy Liuke Mew

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