Black Sabbath
You Won't Change Me

I'm just a man and I am what I am
Nobody will ever change my ways
I don't need money and I don't need no lies
I only need to live for today
But I'd like to talk things over with you
I want to hear the things you say, today
Although you won't change my anyway, no no way

I wish you'd come and see me, I'd like to hold you
I want to set my mind all free
You understand me woman, you give me time
But I don't need no sympathy
Still I wonder what it's like to be loved
Instead of hiding in myself
Nobody will change me anyway, no no way

Nobody's gonna change my world
That's something too unreal
Nobody will change the way I feel

So listen to me now, hear what I say
Please give me time and maybe love
If there's a God up there, well I hope he helps me
I need him now to set me free
'Cause it may be that it's over for me
If you don't hear the things that I say, today
Nobody will change me anyway, no no way

Nobody's gonna change my world, that's something too unreal
Nobody will change the way I feel

Mirror lyrics:

Nobody will change the way I feel
Nobody's gonna change my world, that's something too unreal

Nobody will change me anyway, no no way
If you don't hear the things that I say, today
'Cause it may be that it's over for me
I need him now to set me free
If there's a God up there, well I hope he helps me
Please give me time and maybe love
So listen to me now, hear what I say

Nobody will change the way I feel
That's something too unreal
Nobody's gonna change my world

Nobody will change me anyway, no no way
Instead of hiding in myself
Still I wonder what it's like to be loved
But I don't need no sympathy
You understand me woman, you give me time
I want to set my mind all free
I wish you'd come and see me, I'd like to hold you

Although you won't change my anyway, no no way
I want to hear the things you say, today
But I'd like to talk things over with you
I only need to live for today
I don't need money and I don't need no lies
Nobody will ever change my ways
I'm just a man and I am what I am

Relevant Tags:
YYou WWon't CChange MMe ou on't hange e oYu oWn't hCange eM gou aon't fhange je gYou aWon't fChange jMe Ygou Waon't Cfhange Mje
hou 3on't xhange ke hYou 3Won't xChange kMe Yhou W3on't Cxhange Mke 6ou don't vhange ne 6You dWon't vChange nMe Y6ou Wdon't Cvhange Mne
uou eon't dhange Mee uYou eWon't dChange M Yuou Weon't Cdhange Me 7ou son't Chhange Ms 7You sWon't Cange Mse Y7ou Wson't Cahnge Mes
jou 2on't Cjange M3 jYou 2Won't Cjhange M3e Yjou W2on't Chjange Me3 tou qon't Cuange Mf tYou qWon't Cuhange Mfe Ytou Wqon't Chuange Mef
Yoou Woon't Cnange Mr Yu Wn't Cnhange Mre Yuo Wno't Chnange Mer Yku Wkn't Cbange M4 Ykou Wkon't Cbhange M4e Yoku Wokn't Chbange Me4
Y9u W9n't Cgange Md Y9ou W9on't Cghange Mde Yo9u Wo9n't Chgange Med Y0u W0n't Cyange Mw Y0ou W0on't Cyhange Mwe Yo0u Wo0n't Chyange Mew
Ylu Wln't Chaange Ylou Wlon't Chnge Yolu Woln't Chnage Yiu Win't Chznge Yiou Wion't Chzange Yoiu Woin't Chaznge
Youu Wonn't Chqnge Yo Wo't Chqange You Wo'nt Chaqnge Yoh Wom't Chsnge Yohu Womn't Chsange Youh Wonm't Chasnge
Yo7 Woh't Chwnge Yo7u Wohn't Chwange You7 Wonh't Chawnge Yok Woj't Chxnge Wojn't Chxange Youk Wonj't Chaxnge
Yoi Wob't Channge Wobn't Chage

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