Black Sabbath
Falling Off The Edge Of The World

I think about closing the door
And lately I think of it more
I'm living well out of my time
I feel like i'm losing my mind

I should be at the table round
A servant of the crown
The keeper of the sign
To sparkle and to shine

Never, no never again!
Listen to me and believe what I say if you can
Never, this is the end
You know I've seen the faces of doom and I'm only a man
Help me, tell me I'm sane
I feel a change in the earth, in the wind and the rain
Save me, take me away
You know I've seen some creatures from hell and I've heard what they say!

I've got to be strong
Oh, I'm falling off the edge of the world
Think you're safe, but you're wrong!
We are falling off the edge of the world!

Look out! there's danger! no where to run!
It seems like desperate measures but sometimes it has to be done
Over, it's over at last
There's a message inside as we build a new life from the past

We're falling off the edge of the world!
Yes, the edge of the world!
It's the end of the world!

Mirror lyrics:

It's the end of the world!
Yes, the edge of the world!
We're falling off the edge of the world!

There's a message inside as we build a new life from the past
Over, it's over at last
It seems like desperate measures but sometimes it has to be done
Look out! there's danger! no where to run!

We are falling off the edge of the world!
Think you're safe, but you're wrong!
Oh, I'm falling off the edge of the world
I've got to be strong

You know I've seen some creatures from hell and I've heard what they say!
Save me, take me away
I feel a change in the earth, in the wind and the rain
Help me, tell me I'm sane
You know I've seen the faces of doom and I'm only a man
Never, this is the end
Listen to me and believe what I say if you can
Never, no never again!

To sparkle and to shine
The keeper of the sign
A servant of the crown
I should be at the table round

I feel like i'm losing my mind
I'm living well out of my time
And lately I think of it more
I think about closing the door

Relevant Tags:
FFalling OOff TThe EEdge OOf TThe WWorld alling ff he dge f he orld aFlling fOf hTe dEge fO hTe oWrld calling kff fhe sdge kf fhe aorld cFalling kOff fThe sEdge kOf fThe aWorld
Fcalling Okff Tfhe Esdge Okf Tfhe Waorld ralling 9ff 5he 3dge 9f 5he 3orld rFalling 9Off 5The 3Edge 9Of 5The 3World Fralling O9ff T5he E3dge O9f T5he W3orld galling 0ff hhe fdge 0f hhe dorld
gFalling 0Off hThe fEdge 0Of hThe dWorld Fgalling O0ff Thhe Efdge O0f Thhe Wdorld talling lff yhe rdge lf yhe eorld tFalling lOff yThe rEdge lOf yThe eWorld Ftalling Olff Tyhe Erdge Olf Tyhe Weorld
valling iff 6he 4dge if 6he sorld vFalling iOff 6The 4Edge iOf 6The sWorld Fvalling Oiff T6he E4dge Oif T6he Wsorld dalling Offf ghe ddge Off ghe 2orld dFalling Of gThe dEdge O gThe 2World
Fdalling Off Tghe Eddge Of Tghe W2orld Faalling Ocf rhe wdge Oc rhe qorld Flling Ocff rThe wEdge Ocf rThe qWorld Flaling Ofcf Trhe Ewdge Ofc Trhe Wqorld Fzlling Orf Or Woorld
Fzalling Orff Te Ege Orf Te Wrld Fazlling Ofrf Teh Egde Ofr Teh Wrold Fqlling Ogf Tje Exge Og Tje Wkrld Fqalling Ogff Tjhe Exdge Ogf Tjhe Wkorld Faqlling Ofgf Thje Edxge Ofg Thje Wokrld
Fslling Otf Tue Eege Ot Tue W9rld Fsalling Otff Tuhe Eedge Otf Tuhe W9orld Faslling Oftf Thue Edege Oft Thue Wo9rld Fwlling Ovf Tne Efge Ov Tne W0rld Fwalling Ovff Tnhe Ovf Tnhe W0orld
Fawlling Ofvf Thne Edfge Ofv Thne Wo0rld Fxlling Odf Tbe Erge Od Tbe Wlrld Fxalling Odff Tbhe Odf Tbhe Wlorld Faxlling Ofdf Thbe Edrge Ofd Thbe Wolrld Fallling Tge Ecge Tge Wirld
Faling Ecdge Wiorld Falling Thge Edcge Thge Woirld Fakling Ofc Tye Esge Tye Worrld Faklling Wold Falkling Offc Thye Edsge Thye Wolrd
Faoling Ofr Thee Edgge Thee Wodld Faolling Th Ede Th Wodrld Faloling Offr The Edeg The Wordld Fapling Ofg Ths Edhe Ths Wo4ld Faplling Thse Edhge Thse Wo4rld
Falpling Offg Thes Edghe Thes Wor4ld Oft Th3 Edye Th3 Wogld Th3e Edyge Th3e Wogrld Falilng Offt The3 Edgye The3 Worgld Falking Ofv Thf Edbe Thf Wotld
Thfe Edbge Thfe Wotrld

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