Blind Guardian
A Past And Future Secret

Oh, I haven't been here for a while
In blindness and decay
The circle's been closed, now

My song of the end
My song of the end
I've seen it all

Listen crowd
I'll tell you everything
Though I have to say
I don't know much
Talking about a past
And future secret
Most called him once
A future king
Far back in the past
I saw his ending
Long before it started
I knew his name
He's the one who took the sword
out of the stone
It's how the ancient tale began
I hear it in the cold winds

My song of the end
My song of the end

My song of the end
I had seen it in my dreams
My song of the end
I can't stop the darkening clouds

I feel cold
When I cry out for the bark
Take him back to Avalon
Dwell on for a new age
So long sleep well my friend
Take him back to Avalon
I will wait and guard
The future king's crown

My song of the end
My song of the end
My song of the end

My song of the end
It was nice but now it's gone
My song of the end
It was fixed the whole time
My song of the end
I saw it all

Mirror lyrics:

I saw it all
My song of the end
It was fixed the whole time
My song of the end
It was nice but now it's gone
My song of the end

My song of the end
My song of the end
My song of the end

The future king's crown
I will wait and guard
Take him back to Avalon
So long sleep well my friend
Dwell on for a new age
Take him back to Avalon
When I cry out for the bark
I feel cold

I can't stop the darkening clouds
My song of the end
I had seen it in my dreams
My song of the end

My song of the end
My song of the end

I hear it in the cold winds
It's how the ancient tale began
out of the stone
He's the one who took the sword
I knew his name
Long before it started
I saw his ending
Far back in the past
A future king
Most called him once
And future secret
Talking about a past
I don't know much
Though I have to say
I'll tell you everything
Listen crowd

I've seen it all
My song of the end
My song of the end

The circle's been closed, now
In blindness and decay
Oh, I haven't been here for a while

Relevant Tags:
AA PPast AAnd FFuture SSecret ast nd uture ecret A aPst nAd uFture eScret z 0ast znd cuture zecret zA 0Past zAnd cFuture zSecret Az P0ast Aznd Fcuture Szecret
q last qnd ruture wecret qA lPast qAnd rFuture wSecret Aq Plast Aqnd Fruture Swecret s oast snd guture decret sA oPast sAnd gFuture dSecret As Poast Asnd Fguture Sdecret
w Paast wnd tuture eecret wA Pst wAnd tFuture eSecret Aw Psat Awnd Ftuture Seecret x Pzst xnd vuture xecret xA Pzast xAnd vFuture xSecret Ax Pazst Axnd Fvuture Sxecret
Pqst Annd duture aecret Pqast Ad dFuture aSecret Paqst Adn Fduture Saecret Psst Amd Fuuture Psast Amnd Fture Scret Passt Anmd Ftuure Sceret
Pwst Ahd Fhture Sscret Pwast Ahnd Fhuture Ssecret Pawst Anhd Fuhture Sescret Pxst Ajd F7ture S3cret Pxast Ajnd F7uture S3ecret Paxst Anjd Fu7ture Se3cret
Abd Fkture Sfcret Pat Abnd Fkuture Sfecret Pats Anbd Fukture Sefcret Pazt Andd Fiture Srcret An Fiuture Srecret Paszt And Fuiture Sercret
Pawt Anx F8ture S4cret Anxd F8uture S4ecret Paswt Andx Fu8ture Se4cret Padt Ane Fjture Sdcret Padst Aned Fjuture Pasdt Ande Fujture Sedcret
Paet Anf Fyture Swcret Paest Anfd Fyuture Paset Andf Fuyture Sewcret Paxt Anr Futture Seccret Anrd Fuure Seret Pasxt Andr Fuutre Sercet
Paat Anc Fufure Sefret Ancd Fufture Pasat Andc Futfure Secfret Pastt Ans Fu5ure Sexret Pas Ansd Fu5ture Sexcret Past Ands Fut5ure Secxret
Pasf Fuhure Sevret Pasft Sevcret Pastf Futhure Secvret Pas5 Fuyure Sedret Pas5t Past5 Futyure Secdret
Pash Fu6ure Secrret Pasht Fu6ture Secet Pasth Fut6ure Secert Pasy Fugure Secdet Pasyt Fugture Pasty Futgure Secrdet

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