These Are The Days

all day staring through the window
I'm painting shadows on the wall
all night I'm hearing voices
telling me “you better find a way”

I got a little stuck inside
a situation that I can't define
maybe my sorrows blind me
I better find a way
find the way

these are the days
these are the days
I'm stuck in a moment
trying to get out again
I'm trying to figure it out

where is the map to guide us through it
the journey that we all call life
the answers to my questions
so hard to find

we are thrown into this world, man
whether if we want it or not
we try to break the chains
to save our souls
to make us feel alive

these are the days
these are the days
I'm stuck in a moment
trying to get out again
I'm trying to figure it out

Mirror lyrics:

I'm trying to figure it out
trying to get out again
I'm stuck in a moment
these are the days
these are the days

to make us feel alive
to save our souls
we try to break the chains
whether if we want it or not
we are thrown into this world, man

so hard to find
the answers to my questions
the journey that we all call life
where is the map to guide us through it

I'm trying to figure it out
trying to get out again
I'm stuck in a moment
these are the days
these are the days

find the way
I better find a way
maybe my sorrows blind me
a situation that I can't define
I got a little stuck inside

telling me “you better find a way”
all night I'm hearing voices
I'm painting shadows on the wall
all day staring through the window

Relevant Tags:
TThese AAre TThe DDays hese re he ays hTese rAe hTe aDys fhese zre fhe xays fThese zAre fThe xDays Tfhese Azre Tfhe Dxays
5hese qre 5he eays 5These qAre 5The eDays T5hese Aqre T5he Deays hhese sre hhe fays hThese sAre hThe fDays Thhese Asre Thhe Dfays
yhese wre yhe rays yThese wAre yThe rDays Tyhese Awre Tyhe Drays 6hese xre 6he cays 6These xAre 6The cDays T6hese Axre T6he Dcays
ghese Arre ghe says gThese Ae gThe sDays Tghese Aer Tghe Dsays rhese Ade rhe Daays rThese Adre rThe Dys Trhese Arde Trhe Dyas
A4e Dzys Tese A4re Te Dzays Tehse Ar4e Teh Dazys Tjese Age Tje Dqys Tjhese Agre Tjhe Dqays Thjese Arge Thje Daqys
Tuese Ate Tue Dsys Tuhese Atre Tuhe Thuese Arte Thue Dasys Tnese A5e Tne Dwys Tnhese A5re Tnhe Dways Thnese Ar5e Thne Dawys
Tbese Afe Tbe Dxys Tbhese Afre Tbhe Thbese Arfe Thbe Daxys Tgese Aee Tge Dayys Aere Das Thgese Aree Thge Dasy
Tyese Tye Dags Ar Dagys Thyese Are Thye Daygs Theese Ars Thee Dahs Thse Arse Th Dahys Thsee Ares The Dayhs
Thsse Ar3 Ths Da6s Thsese Ar3e Thse Da6ys Thesse Are3 Thes Day6s Th3se Arf Th3 Daus

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