Blind Boy Fuller
I Want Some Of Your Pie

Says, I'm not jokin' an' I'm gonna tell you no lie,
I want to eat your custy pie
You gotta give me some of it,
You gotta give me some of it,
You gotta give me some of it,
'Fore you give it all away

I'm not breakin' but you understood,
everything I do, I try to do it good
You gotta give me some of it,
You gotta give me some of it,
You gotta give me some of it,
'Fore you give it all away

Now, your custy pie is good an' nice,
when you cut it, please save me a smart
You gotta give me some of it,
You gotta give me some of it,
You gotta give me some of it,
'Fore you give it all away

Says, I don't care if you little right cross that street,
you cut that pie please save me a piece
You gotta give me some of it,
You gotta give me some of it,
You gotta give me some of it,
'Fore you give it all away

Oh, it's good for a man 83,
you know good well it good enough for me
You gotta give me some of it,
You gotta give me some of it,
You gotta give me some of it,
'Fore you give it all away

Mirror lyrics:

'Fore you give it all away
You gotta give me some of it,
You gotta give me some of it,
You gotta give me some of it,
you know good well it good enough for me
Oh, it's good for a man 83,

'Fore you give it all away
You gotta give me some of it,
You gotta give me some of it,
You gotta give me some of it,
you cut that pie please save me a piece
Says, I don't care if you little right cross that street,

'Fore you give it all away
You gotta give me some of it,
You gotta give me some of it,
You gotta give me some of it,
when you cut it, please save me a smart
Now, your custy pie is good an' nice,

'Fore you give it all away
You gotta give me some of it,
You gotta give me some of it,
You gotta give me some of it,
everything I do, I try to do it good
I'm not breakin' but you understood,

'Fore you give it all away
You gotta give me some of it,
You gotta give me some of it,
You gotta give me some of it,
I want to eat your custy pie
Says, I'm not jokin' an' I'm gonna tell you no lie,

Relevant Tags:
II WWant SSome OOf YYour PPie ant ome f our ie I aWnt oSme fO oYur iPe j aant zome kf gour 0ie jI aWant zSome kOf gYour 0Pie Ij Waant Szome Okf Ygour P0ie
9 3ant wome 9f hour lie 9I 3Want wSome 9Of hYour lPie I9 W3ant Swome O9f Yhour Plie l dant dome 0f 6our oie lI dWant dSome 0Of 6Your oPie Il Wdant Sdome O0f Y6our Poie
o eant eome lf uour Piie oI eWant eSome lOf uYour Pe Io Weant Seome Olf Yuour Pei k sant xome if 7our Pje kI sWant xSome iOf 7Your Pjie Ik Wsant Sxome Oif Y7our Pije
8 2ant aome Off jour P9e 8I 2Want aSome O jYour P9ie I8 W2ant Saome Of Yjour Pi9e u qant Soome Oc tour Ple uI qWant Sme Ocf tYour Iu Wqant Smoe Ofc Ytour Pile
Skme Or Yoour Poe Wnt Skome Orf Yur Wnat Sokme Ofr Yuor Pioe Wznt S9me Og Ykur Pke Wzant S9ome Ogf Ykour Pkie Waznt So9me Ofg Yokur Pike
Wqnt S0me Ot Y9ur P8e S0ome Otf Y9our P8ie Waqnt So0me Oft Yo9ur Pi8e Wsnt Slme Ov Y0ur Pue Slome Ovf Y0our Puie Wasnt Solme Ofv Yo0ur Piue
Wwnt Sime Od Ylur Piee Wwant Siome Odf Ylour Pi Wawnt Soime Ofd Yolur Pie Wxnt Somme Yiur Pis Wxant Soe Yiour Pise Waxnt Soem Yoiur Pies
Wannt Soje Youur Pi3 Wat Sojme Yor Pi3e

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