Keeping Myself

So she says, that shes great thank you
And smiles, though she has no cares
But her eyes, reveal a deeper notion
Holding back you're hiding there

Give you praise, 'A' grade student
They place, you're name upon a wall
Is this all, for their expectations
Surely deeper the reasons more
Yeah surely deeper theres something more?

Today this day is another display
Of human fraitly, lives thrown away
And it seems so strange I'm
Keeping myself to myself!?

You've a love, that goes much deeper
And a gift, that is for all
But to share, would mean the earth would tremble
Instead you choose to keep it stored

And we say, we want to make a difference
To serve, the one who tests our hearts
But instead we choose to please the people
That is where the problem starts!

For I know my days are numbered
Take me over consume my everything

Mirror lyrics:

Take me over consume my everything
For I know my days are numbered

That is where the problem starts!
But instead we choose to please the people
To serve, the one who tests our hearts
And we say, we want to make a difference

Instead you choose to keep it stored
But to share, would mean the earth would tremble
And a gift, that is for all
You've a love, that goes much deeper

Keeping myself to myself!?
And it seems so strange I'm
Of human fraitly, lives thrown away
Today this day is another display

Yeah surely deeper theres something more?
Surely deeper the reasons more
Is this all, for their expectations
They place, you're name upon a wall
Give you praise, 'A' grade student

Holding back you're hiding there
But her eyes, reveal a deeper notion
And smiles, though she has no cares
So she says, that shes great thank you

Relevant Tags:
KKeeping MMyself eeping yself eKeping yMself leeping jyself lKeeping jMyself Kleeping Mjyself oeeping kyself oKeeping kMyself
Koeeping Mkyself meeping nyself mKeeping nMyself Kmeeping Mnyself jeeping Myyself jKeeping Mself Kjeeping Msyelf ieeping Mgself
iKeeping Mgyself Kieeping Mygself Keeeping Mhself Keping Mhyself Keeping Myhself Kseping M6self Kseeping M6yself Keseping My6self
K3eping Muself K3eeping Muyself Ke3eping Myuself Kfeping M7self Kfeeping M7yself Kefeping My7self Kreping Mjself Kreeping
Kereping Myjself K4eping Mtself K4eeping Mtyself Ke4eping Mytself Kdeping Mysself Kdeeping Myelf Kedeping Myeslf Kweping Myzelf
Kweeping Myzself Keweping Myszelf Mywelf Mywself Kepeing Myswelf Kesping Mydelf Mydself Keesping Mysdelf
Ke3ping Myeelf Myeself Kee3ping Myseelf Kefping Myxelf Myxself Keefping Mysxelf Kerping Myaelf Myaself
Keerping Mysaelf Ke4ping Myslf Kee4ping Myslef Kedping Mysslf

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