Eye Of The Storm

I think I've stayed for the last time
Hope is so much closer to beauty than sorrow
I think I'll leave and leave self pity to die
Reflection is always brighter than shadow

Please come closer
Cause I don't even touch You anymore
Please see I'm walking in to the eye of the storm
And I'll still come out loving You even more

Love is in the air tonight
So just breathe
You made sure the atmosphere was thick tonight
So this is where it begins and where it ends
With a crack in a dark sky piercing light

Please come closer
Cause my heart doesn't touch Yours anymore
Please see I'm walking into the eye of the storm
And I'll still come out loving You even more

Love is in the air tonight so just breathe
Breathe my spirit breathe
Leave, leave now and don't look back

Please come closer
Cause my heart doesn't touch Yours anymore
Please see I'm walking into the eye of the storm
And I'll still come out loving You even more

Mirror lyrics:

And I'll still come out loving You even more
Please see I'm walking into the eye of the storm
Cause my heart doesn't touch Yours anymore
Please come closer

Leave, leave now and don't look back
Breathe my spirit breathe
Love is in the air tonight so just breathe

And I'll still come out loving You even more
Please see I'm walking into the eye of the storm
Cause my heart doesn't touch Yours anymore
Please come closer

With a crack in a dark sky piercing light
So this is where it begins and where it ends
You made sure the atmosphere was thick tonight
So just breathe
Love is in the air tonight

And I'll still come out loving You even more
Please see I'm walking in to the eye of the storm
Cause I don't even touch You anymore
Please come closer

Reflection is always brighter than shadow
I think I'll leave and leave self pity to die
Hope is so much closer to beauty than sorrow
I think I've stayed for the last time

Relevant Tags:
EEye OOf TThe SStorm ye f he torm yEe fO hTe tSorm sye kf fhe ztorm sEye kOf fThe zStorm Esye Okf Tfhe Sztorm 3ye 9f 5he wtorm
3Eye 9Of 5The wStorm E3ye O9f T5he Swtorm fye 0f hhe dtorm fEye 0Of hThe dStorm Efye O0f Thhe Sdtorm rye lf yhe etorm rEye lOf yThe eStorm
Erye Olf Tyhe Setorm 4ye if 6he xtorm 4Eye iOf 6The xStorm E4ye Oif T6he Sxtorm dye Off ghe atorm dEye O gThe aStorm Edye Of Tghe Satorm
wye Oc rhe Sttorm wEye Ocf rThe Sorm Ewye Ofc Trhe Sotrm Eyye Or Sform Ee Orf Te Sftorm Eey Ofr Teh Stform Ege Og Tje S5orm
Egye Ogf Tjhe S5torm Eyge Ofg Thje St5orm Ehe Ot Tue Shorm Ehye Otf Tuhe Shtorm Eyhe Oft Thue Sthorm E6e Ov Tne Syorm E6ye Ovf Tnhe Sytorm
Ey6e Ofv Thne Styorm Eue Od Tbe S6orm Euye Odf Tbhe S6torm Eyue Ofd Thbe St6orm E7e Tge Sgorm E7ye Sgtorm Ey7e Thge Stgorm
Eje Tye Srorm Ejye Srtorm Eyje Thye Strorm Ete Thee Stoorm Etye Th Strm Eyte The Strom Eyee Ths Stkrm
Ey Thse Stkorm

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