Billy Squier
Take A Look Behind Ya

There's trouble on the rise
You can see it in the eyes of the livin'
There's an order to defy
There's a room at the back of your mind
Word gets out, What's it all about
Some take it in and some can do without
Don't hang out in the shadow of a doubt
It's time you split before they sign you out
They'll have you sing the blues

Take a look behind ya
Take it on the run
Take a look behind ya
Look into the risin' sun

You can dance, you can sing
But it doesn't mean a thing without rhythm
You can slip, slide
Stumble through the rest of your life
Time won't stop, never gonna stop ya
You push the limit 'til the day you drop
Time don't stop, race against the clock
You shun the risk, can you stand the shock
You got a lot to lose

Take a look behind ya
Take it as it comes
Take a look behind ya
Don't forget the things you done

You can run, you can hide
But you never put aside what you're feelin'
Keep your balance, keep your stride
Let it run through the rest of your life
Time don't stop, ready or not
You got to give it everything you got
Life don't stop, take it to the top
You miss a step, feel the anchor drop
It all comes back to you

Mirror lyrics:

It all comes back to you
You miss a step, feel the anchor drop
Life don't stop, take it to the top
You got to give it everything you got
Time don't stop, ready or not
Let it run through the rest of your life
Keep your balance, keep your stride
But you never put aside what you're feelin'
You can run, you can hide

Don't forget the things you done
Take a look behind ya
Take it as it comes
Take a look behind ya

You got a lot to lose
You shun the risk, can you stand the shock
Time don't stop, race against the clock
You push the limit 'til the day you drop
Time won't stop, never gonna stop ya
Stumble through the rest of your life
You can slip, slide
But it doesn't mean a thing without rhythm
You can dance, you can sing

Look into the risin' sun
Take a look behind ya
Take it on the run
Take a look behind ya

They'll have you sing the blues
It's time you split before they sign you out
Don't hang out in the shadow of a doubt
Some take it in and some can do without
Word gets out, What's it all about
There's a room at the back of your mind
There's an order to defy
You can see it in the eyes of the livin'
There's trouble on the rise

Relevant Tags:
TTake AA LLook BBehind YYa ake ook ehind a aTke A oLok eBhind aY fake z kook vehind ga fTake zA kLook vBehind gYa Tfake Az Lkook Bvehind Yga
5ake q oook gehind ha 5Take qA oLook gBehind hYa T5ake Aq Loook Bgehind Yha hake s pook nehind 6a hTake sA pLook nBehind 6Ya Thake As Lpook Bnehind Y6a
yake w hehind ua yTake wA Lok hBehind uYa Tyake Aw Look Bhehind Yua 6ake x Lkok Beehind 7a 6Take xA Bhind 7Ya T6ake Ax Lokok Bheind Y7a
gake L9ok Bshind ja gTake L9ook Bsehind jYa Tgake Lo9ok Beshind Yja rake L0ok B3hind ta rTake L0ook B3ehind tYa Trake Lo0ok Be3hind Yta
Taake Llok Bfhind Yaa Tke Llook Bfehind Y Tkae Lolok Befhind Ya Tzke Liok Brhind Yz Tzake Liook Brehind Yza Tazke Loiok Berhind Yaz
Tqke B4hind Yq Tqake B4ehind Yqa Taqke Loko Be4hind Yaq Tske Lokk Bdhind Ys Tsake Bdehind Ysa Taske Lookk Bedhind Yas
Twke Lo9k Bwhind Yw Twake Bwehind Ywa Tawke Loo9k Bewhind Yaw Txke Lo0k Behhind Yx Txake Beind Yxa Taxke Loo0k Beihnd Yax
Takke Lolk Bejind Tae Bejhind Taek Loolk Behjind Tale Loik Beuind Talke Beuhind Takle Looik Behuind
Taoe Benind Taoke Loo Benhind Takoe Behnind Tame Lool Bebind Tamke Bebhind Takme Lookl Behbind
Taje Looo Begind Tajke Beghind Takje Looko Behgind Taie Loom Beyind Taike Loomk Beyhind

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